• Volume 30,Issue 3,2022 Table of Contents
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    • >Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
    • Identification and Analysis of Superoxide Dismutase Gene Family Members of Cardamine hirsuta

      2022, 30(3):301-310. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4476

      Abstract (248) HTML (680) PDF 4.08 M (689) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the characteristics of SOD gene in Cardamine hirsuta, the gene structure, chromosome location, phylogenetic relationship of SOD gene family were analyzed, the cis-acting element and protein structure were predicted, and the tissue expression patterns of the gene family numbers were measured by qRT-PCR. The results showed that a total of 10 SOD genes, named ChSODs, were identified from C. hirsuta genome, including 6 Cu/Zn-SOD, 3 Fe-SOD and 1 Mn-SOD. The amino acid numbers of ChSODs ranged from 57 to 324, with molecular weight from 6 419.41 to 34 659.01 kDa, and theoretical isoelectric point from 4.92 to 9.60. Phylogenetic tree showed that ChSOD had close relation with AtSOD of Arabidopsis. There were expression of ChSOD in root, stem and leaf, and the expression in leaves was high. Furthermore, the expression of CARHR085500 and CARHR256690 were high in leaves and stems. There were cis-acting elements responded to various abiotic stresses, in especial to ABA and low temperature stress. The secondary and tertiary structures of ChSODs were different. Therefore, these indicated that SOD gene of C. hirsuta play an important role in antioxidant process.

    • Ultrastructure of Leaf and Cloning, Expression of AbGLK1 in Ananas comosus var. bracteatus 'Chiyan'

      2022, 30(3):311-320. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4479

      Abstract (187) HTML (569) PDF 7.89 M (559) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the function of Golden2-like (GLK) in green-white chimeric leaf formation of Ananas comosus var. bracteatus 'Chiyan', AbGLK1 gene was cloned by RT-PCR. The results showed that AbGLK1 contained an open reading frame with 1 371 bp, encoding a protein with 456 amino acids. AbGLK1 protein had a GOLDEN2 C-terminal box and a GAPR DNA-binding domain at the N terminal, belonged to GLK transcription factor family, which located in the nucleus. Transactivation analysis showed that AbGLK1 had transcriptional activation activity. And AbGLK1 was tissue-specific expressed in root, stem and leaf of 'Chiyan'. The expression of AbGLK1 in leaves was significantly higher than that in roots and stems (P < 0.05); which in albino tissues was about 1/3 in green tissues (P < 0.05). In albino tissue, there was no thylakoid in chloroplast, but large number of plastoglobulus and vesicles exist in chloroplast. Therefore, it is suggested that AbGLK1 might be involved in chloroplast development, and down expression of AbGLK1 might lead to immature chloroplast in albino tissue.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of SmVS Gene from Salvia miltiorrhiza

      2022, 30(3):321-328. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4464

      Abstract (186) HTML (794) PDF 4.69 M (490) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the function of vinorine synthase gene (VS) in Salvia miltiorrhiza, the SmVS gene were cloned from S. miltiorrhiza, and the bioinformation of SmVS was predicted by Ex PASy and other online analysis software, the expression pattern of SmVS was analyzed by RT-qPCR. The results showed that the full-length of SmVS was 726 bp, encoding 241 amino acids. The molecular weight of SmVS was 26 861.72 with isoelectric point of 5.66. It was an extramembrane protein, presumably located in mitochondria. Phylogenetic tree showed that SmVS had close relationship with VS in Olea europaea var. sylvestris. The expression of SmVS in roots was higher than that in leaves, and the transcription level of SmVS reached the highest at 21:00 pm in leaves. Therefore, it was suggested that SmVS could be involve in responsing to light.

    • Genetic Diversity of Cultivated Populations of Alpinia oxyphylla in Guangdong Based on SSR Marker

      2022, 30(3):329-335. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4433

      Abstract (203) HTML (656) PDF 873.31 K (422) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the genetic diversity of Alpinia oxyphylla in Guangdong, the genetic differences among 166 germplasms were studied by using SSR molecular markers. The results showed that a total of 88 alleles were detected by 14 pairs of SSR primers, and the effective alleles of each primer varied from 1.198 to 3.279 with an average of 2.599. The Shannon's information index ranged from 0.736 to 1.890 with an average of 1.107. The variance analysis showed that 20.87% of the variation came between groups. Based on principal component analysis and genetic structure analysis, the 166 germplasms could be divided into four groups, which did not show the regularity of morphological characteristics. Therefore, there were high genetic diversity mainly occurred within population, but the classification based on morphological traits and the clustering based on SSR molecular markers could not achieve the consistency.

    • Analysis of Chloroplast Genome Characteristics and Codon Usage Bias of Polygonatum kingianum

      2022, 30(3):336-348. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4472

      Abstract (303) HTML (639) PDF 2.18 M (407) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the chloroplast genome characteristics and codon bias of Polygonatum kingianum, the next generation sequencing technology was utilized to sequence the young leaves, and the complete chloroplast genome sequence was obtained after assembly and annotation. SSR loci, phylogeny and codon preference of the chloroplast genome were analyzed by MISA, Emboss and Codonw software. The results showed that the length of complete chloroplast genome sequence of P. kingianum was 155 852 bp, including a pair of inverted repeats of 26 347 bp that were separated by large and small single copy regions (LSC, 84 633 bp and SSC, 18 525 bp). A total of 132 genes were annotated in the chloroplast genome, including 86 protein-coding genes, 8 rRNA genes and 38 tRNA genes. The average GC content of chloroplast genomes was 37.7%. A total of 69 SSR loci were detected, most of which belonged to single-base repeat A/T type. Phylogenetic analysis showed that P. kingianum was closer to P. tessellatum than other species, which may be related to their geographical distribution. The chloroplast genome codon usage pattern was more influenced by natural selection than mutation, and 9 codons were identified as the optimal codon. Therefore, these would provide important reference information for exploring the genetic relationship and the improvement of exogenous genes in P. kingianum.

    • Nutrient Analysis and Evaluation of Six Cauliflower Varieties

      2022, 30(3):349-356. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4471

      Abstract (210) HTML (1027) PDF 468.74 K (411) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to evaluate the nutritional quality of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis), ten nutritional indexes in six varieties of cauliflower were determined, and the quality of cauliflower was compre- hensively evaluated by principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that there were differences in ten quality indexes among six varieties, the variation coefficient ranged from 12.22% to 131.21%. The correlation analysis showed that there were significant correlations among vitamin C (Vc), total flavonoids, total polyphenols, Fe, Ca, P and protein. Six cauliflower varieties were divided into four categories by cluster analysis, i.e., three yellow cauliflower varieties '209', '100' and '217' were each 1 class, and white cauliflower varieties '210', '214' and '218' were into one class. Three principal components for comprehensive evaluation were extracted by principal component analysis, and six nutritional evaluation indexes were obtained, such as contents of Vc, total flavonoids, total polyphenols, Fe, Ca and P. Cauliflower '209' had the highest nutritional quality by evaluation function model: F=0.5591Z1+0.2189Z2+0.1669Z3. So, these would provide a scientific basis for excavating and breeding excellent cauliflower varieties.

    • >Plant Systematics and Biogeography
    • Pollination System and Reproductive Allocation Strategies of Dioecious Tree Salix dunnii

      2022, 30(3):357-366. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4504

      Abstract (166) HTML (396) PDF 3.55 M (442) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the pollination system and reproductive investment strategies of Salix dunnii, the floral characteristics of flower and catkin and population sex ratio were investigated, the visiting insects were collected and their visiting frequency was calculated, the fruit and seed sets were calculated by bagging test, the volatile components of catkin were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that the sex ratio of population in Dongbian Village was significantly male-biased (♂∶♀=1.28∶1, P < 0.05), while it was in equilibrium in populations of Guodun and Gaodi Village. The catkin number of male branches was significantly higher than that of female branches (P < 0.05), and the male flowers per catkins were significantly more than female flowers (P < 0.001), but the average length of female catkins was notably longer than that of male catkins (P < 0.001). Salix dunnii was wind- and insect-pollination, Apis cerana was the main visitor, which showed significant preference to visit female individuals (P < 0.001). The relative content of β-caryophylene in female, which is attractive to A. cerana, was significantly higher than the male (P < 0.001). Furthermore, β-elemene and linalool were only identified in female catkins, which were attractive to honey bee too. Therefore, it was suggested that male S. dunnii allocated more resource in producing male flowers at flowering stage, which was probably beneficial for wind-pollination, while female plants fought against the "pollinator limitation" by increasing the variety and output of volatile to improve insect-pollination. Salix dunnii possibly improve the reproductive efficiency via the combination of wind- and insect-pollination.

    • Study on the Flora Characteristics of Seed Plants in Wuming County, Guangxi

      2022, 30(3):367-376. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4446

      Abstract (191) HTML (532) PDF 483.30 K (564) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the flora characteristics of wild seed plants in Wuming County, Guangxi, the resources of wild seed plants were investigated. The results showed that there was 2 542 species of wild seed plants, belonging to 898 genera and 184 families. Angiosperms were the dominant taxa, while gymnosperms were fewer. From the composition of family and genus, the large family, monotypic genus and depauperate genus were dominated. The areal types of family, genus and species were rich, containing typical tropical and subtropical elements with temperate elements, showing the transition from tropical to subtropical. The species diversity of Wuming County was rich, which floristic composition was close to that of Hengxian, Guangxi. Therefore, the flora of Wuming County was characterized by rich biodiversity, tropical in nature, geographical diversity and ancient origins. At the same time, there were some endemic and endangered plants, reflecting the floristics characteristics of Beibu Gulf.

    • Taxonomic Clarification of Hedyotis uncinella and Its Morphologically Similar Species (Rubiaceae) in China

      2022, 30(3):377-391. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4475

      Abstract (200) HTML (595) PDF 22.12 M (1063) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Historically, the Hedyotis species with tetragonal stems and capitated inflorescences in China have often been identified as H. uncinella, and this name also included three heterotypic names synonymized by different taxonomists. Because this group of plants has many differences in leaf morphology, petiole length, inflorescence and pedicel length, etc., it seems to be unreasonable to lump them together into one species generally. Based on morphological comparison on type materials, field observation to morphological variation pattern in populations, and molecular phylogenetic analysis, the plants previously misidentified as H. uncinella include six taxonomic entities. Of which, H. borrerioides, H. cephalophora and H. kuraruensis should be reinstated, and the historically misidentified species of H. uncinella, the continuously overlooked species of H. linearifolia, as well as the newly recorded species of H. multiglomerulata are taxonomically distinct taxa. A key to classify these morphologically similar taxa is provided to facilitate taxonomic identification.

    • Gastrochilus setosus (Orchidaceae), A New Record of Orchidaceae from China

      2022, 30(3):392-394. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4480

      Abstract (280) HTML (1236) PDF 13.58 M (745) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Gastrochilus setosus Aver. & Vuong was reported as a new orchid record for China. Photographs and a detailed description were provided. The shape of this species is similar to G. raraensis Fukuuama, but the plant is small and the lips have short bristles and other characteristics, which can be easily distinguished from G. raraensis. This species was originally distributed only in Vietnam, and is now found in Tibet, China for the first time. The voucher specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of Xizang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College.

    • Taeniophyllum biocellatum J. J. Sm., A Newly Recorded Species of Orchidaceae from China

      2022, 30(3):395-396. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4487

      Abstract (195) HTML (825) PDF 2.30 M (459) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Taeniophyllum biocellatum J. J. Sm. was reported as new orchid record from China. Photographs and a detailed description were provided. This species could be distinguished from other related species of the genus by green peduncle and peduncle bracts, cylindrical roots, and reduced inflorescence; column purplish red with a pair of yellow spots in the middle; large opening of labellum; and yellowish green sepals and petals.

    • Bulbophyllum lemniscatum (Orchidaceae), A New Record from China

      2022, 30(3):397-401. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4474

      Abstract (234) HTML (991) PDF 5.81 M (475) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bulbophyllum lemniscatum C. S. P. Parish ex Hook. f. is reported as a new recorded orchid from China. Morphological description and colour photographs are provided. B. lemniscatum has remarkable flowers with a strip-like appendage attached to the back of each sepal, which consists of six to eight longitudinal crested plates radiating from a common center.

    • Notes on the Family Poaceae in China (Ⅱ)

      2022, 30(3):402-406. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4467

      Abstract (265) HTML (979) PDF 3.47 M (432) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two exotic weeds, Brachiaria platyphylla (Munro ex C. Wright) Nash and B. plantaginea (Link) Hitchc, are firstly reported in China. They share the characters of the lower glume adaxial and the upper lemma obtuse with Chinese Brachiaria species, without the characters of the abaxial lower glume, long mucro upper lemma of Urochloa species. The taxonomic differences among these two new record grasses and the other Brachiaria species from China are edited in one key. Their potential invasion risks are discussed.

    • Preliminary Study on Lichen Genus Phlyctis from China

      2022, 30(3):407-412. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4473

      Abstract (144) HTML (587) PDF 1.29 M (417) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lichen species Phlyctis subhimalayensis is reported as new to China. Its morphological and molecular data are provided. All species of the genus Phlyctis in China have been briefly described, and similar species are discussed, and a key to the known species of Phlyctis in China is also provided, that would provide basic data for the further study of Phlyctis.

    • >Plant Ecology and Natural resource Management
    • Functional Characteristics of Castanopsis fargesii Fine Roots and Their Relationship with Soil Factors at Different Elevations in Guoyan Mountain

      2022, 30(3):413-422. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4452

      Abstract (161) HTML (661) PDF 639.93 K (455) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to reveal the adaptation mechanism of fine root functional characters of Castanopsis fargesii to environmental changes, the relationship between functional traits of fine roots and soil factors of C. fargesii at 500, 700 and 900 m altitude in Guoyanshan was studied. The results showed that the fine root biomass was positively correlated with fine root length density, surface area density, tissue density and volume density. Fine root length density, volume density, surface area density and specific root length had significantly positive correlations each other, and which had significantly negative correlations with fine root tissue density. The contents of rhizosphere soil water, C and N had significant positive correlation with fine root specific root length, root length density, bulk density and surface area density, while those had positive correlation with soil bulk density and fine root tissue density. The fine root biomass, root length density, surface area density and volume density at altitude 700 m were significantly higher than those at 500 and 900 m. The root length density and surface area density were negatively correlated with soil depth at altitude 500 and 900 m; while the tissue density of fine roots at 500 m altitude was positively correlated with soil depth. Therefore, Castanopsis fargesii in Guoyanshan could change its fine root function traits in order to adapt to the changes in altitude and soil.

    • >Phytochemistry and Chemical Biolgy
    • Volatile Components in Flowers, Fruits and Leaves of Jaboticaba at Different Developmental Stages

      2022, 30(3):423-433. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4451

      Abstract (207) HTML (542) PDF 494.24 K (572) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to undertand the volatile components in Myrciaria cauliflora, the contents of volatile components in flowers, fruits and leaves at different development stages were measured by using HS-GC-MS (head space-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) technology. The results showed that terpenes were the main components in flowers, fruits and leaves, increasing with flowering process, but decreasing with fruit and leaf development. The monoterpenes were the dominant component in terpenes, mainly including α-pinene, β-pinene, D-limonene and β-ocimene. The content of β-pinene was the highest in the budding stage, early flowering stage and young leaf, the content of α-pinene was the highest in the full bloom stage and old leaf, the content of D-limonene was the highest in the late flowering stage and the whole development stage of fruit. The total content of pinene (α-pinene+β-pinene) in young leaves was high for 62.07%. The content of esters (16.92%) in the early flowering stage was the highest among flowering stages, and that in mature stage was the highest (14.81%) among fruit development stages, which in old leaves (4.35%) was significantly higher than that in young leaves (0.26%). Therefore, α-pinene and β-pinene were the main common aroma component of flowers, fruits and leaves, methyl salicylate and phenylethanol were the main characteristic aroma components in bud stage and early flowering stage, and cubebene was the characteristic flavor component of mature fruits, β-caryophyllene was the main characteristic aroma component of young leaves, eucalyptol and β-copaene were the main characteristic aroma component of old leaves.

    • Flavonoids from Leaves of Myoporum bontioides and Their Antimicrobial Activities against Peronophythora litchi

      2022, 30(3):434-440. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4454

      Abstract (175) HTML (379) PDF 496.37 K (358) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the chemical compositions in Myoporum bontioides, eleven compounds were isolated from leaves by chromatographic separation methods. On the basis of spectral data, they were identified as 5, 7, 3?-trishydroxy-4?-methoxyflavone (1), 3, 5, 7, 4?-tetrahydroxy-3?-methoxyflavone (2), 5, 7, 4?-trihydroxy-3?, 5?-dimethoxyflavone (3), 3', 4', 5, 7-tetrahydroxyflavanone (4), kaempferol (5), rhamnetin (6), 5, 7-dihydroxyfla-vanone (7), 7, 4'-dihydroxyflavanone (8), 5, 7, 3?, 4?-trihydroxyflavanone (9) 5-acetyloxy-3, 7, 3?, 4?-tetrahydroxy- flavanone (10) and 7-methoxyaromadenrin (11). All compounds were obtained from M. bontioides for the first time except compounds4,7 and11. The compounds4,7-9 and11 had strong antifungal activity against Peronophythora litchi.

    • Studies on the Alkaloids from Twigs and Leaves of Glycosmis craibii

      2022, 30(3):441-445. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4465

      Abstract (163) HTML (810) PDF 423.44 K (381) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to clarify the alkaloids in the twigs and leaves of Glycosmis craibii, nine alkaloids were isolated from 95% ethanol extract of G. craibii by several column chromatographic techniques, such as MPLC, MCI-gel, silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 and preparative HPLC. Based on physicochemical properties and NMR spectral data, their structures were identified as de-N-methyl-O-noracronycine (1), noracronycine (2), glycocitrine Ⅱ (3), acrifoline (4), 3-hydroxy-2, 4-dimethoxy-10-methyl-9-acridanone (5), atanine (6), glycosolone (7), 3-(3?, 3?- dimethylallyl)-4, 8-dimethoxy-N-methyl-quinolin-2-one (8) and 4-methoxy-N-methyl-2-quinolone (9). It is the first report of all the alkaloids isolated from this species and compunds2,3,5,6 and9 from the genus Glycosmis.

    • >Research Progress
    • Research Progress on Chemical Constituents, Pharmacological Effects and Pharmacokinetics of Ligustri Lucidi Fructus

      2022, 30(3):446-460. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4466

      Abstract (412) HTML (2685) PDF 544.77 K (699) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ligustri Lucidi Fructus is the dried fruits of Ligustrum lucidum, belonging to Oleaceae, which is a traditional Chinese medicine with the effects on nourishing liver and kidney, improving eyesight and hair-blacking. Ligustri Lucidi Fructus contains triterpenoids, iridoids, phenylethanoid glycosides and flavonoids, etc. Many pharmacological studies had shown that it has anti-tumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, hepato- protective, antiosteoporosis, immunomodulatory, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic, antibacterial and antiviral activities. The chemical constituents, pharmacological effects and pharmacokinetics of Ligustri Lucidi Fructus were reviewed, which would provide reference for further development and utilization of Ligustri Lucidi Fructus in China.

Editor in chief:黄宏文


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