• Volume 29,Issue 2,2021 Table of Contents
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    • >Plant Systematics and Biogeography
    • Seventeen Newly Recorded Species to the Flora of Hong Kong, China

      2021, 29(2):123-131. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4272

      Abstract (1345) HTML (448) PDF 1.26 M (734) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Seventeen vascular species newly recorded to the flora of Hong Kong are reported. They are Hymenasplenium apogamum (N. Murak. & Hatan.) Nakaike,Leptochilus decurrens Blume, Amydrium hainanense (H. Li, Y. Shiao & S. L. Tseng) H. Li, Laurocerasus hypotricha (Rehder) T. T. Yu & L. T. Lu, Rubus buergeri Miq., Quercus pachyloma Seemen, Lithocarpus glaucusChun & C. C. Huang ex H. G. Ye, L. longanoides C. C. Huang & Y. T. Chang, Murraya euchrestifolia Hayata, Diospyros chunii F. P. Metcalf & L. Chen, Myrsine linearis (Lour.) Poir., M. semiserrata Wall., Schima remotiserrata Hung T. Chang, Heterostemma brownii Hayata, Urceola napeensis (Quint.) D. J. Middleton, Utricularia minutissima Vahl, Blumea aromatica DC., in which Heterostemma Wight & Arn. is a newly recorded genus. Key descriptions, distribution information and the differences from closely related species are provided. Most of the newly recorded species are found in remote and less accessible sites. Further exploration of these and similar locations may well result in the discovery of more new records.

    • Taxonomic Investigation of Arenaria melandryoides (Caryophyllaceae):Insights from Molecular and Morphological Data

      2021, 29(2):132-138. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4265

      Abstract (603) HTML (752) PDF 885.23 K (892) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Arenaria L. s.l. is one of the taxonomically difficult large genera in Caryophyllaceae, it was recircumscribed recently and some other genera were segregated from it based on molecular phylogenetic results. Based on morphological evidence, the species Arenaria melandryoides Edgew. was placed previously within A. subgenus Odontostemma (G. Don) Williams or recently within the genera Odontostemma Benth. ex G. Don and Shivparvatia (Edgew.) Pusalkar & D. K. Singh, however the species has never been included in molecular phylogenetic study. The phylogeny of Alsineae using the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (nrITS) sequence was reconstructed. The result showed that the monophyly of the genus Odontostemma circumscribed recently was rejected and A. melandryoides was nested deeply within Shivparvatia, thus the specific name S. melandryoides (Edgew.) Satish Chandra and D. S. Rawat should be accepted. Additionally, the transfer of A. saginoides Maxim., A. spathulifolia C. Y. Wu ex L. H. Zhou and A. yunnanensis Franch. to the genus Odontostemma and A. rhodantha Pax & K. Hoffmann to Shivparvatia were all supported here for the first time in molecular phylogenetic analyses. Morphologically, the solitary flower at the top of stem might be a good diagnostic character to distinguish the genus Shivparvatia from Odontostemma.

    • Hoya tetrantha (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), A New Species from Yunnan, China

      2021, 29(2):139-142. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4289

      Abstract (747) HTML (347) PDF 512.21 K (768) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hoya tetrantha J. F. Zhang, Y. H. Tong & N. H. Xia (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Yunnan Province, China, is described and illustrated. This species is similar to H. dickasoniana P. T. Li in being an epiphytic shrub with annual terminal inflorescences and small leaves, but can be different from the latter by its ovate to broadly ovate leaf blades with an acute and mucronate apex, usually 4-flowered inflorescences and flowers with longer linear sepals.

    • Aster spathulifolius Maxim., A Neglected Species of Asteraceae from China

      2021, 29(2):143-146. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4253

      Abstract (732) HTML (399) PDF 840.62 K (714) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aster spathulifolius Maxim., a neglected species of Asteraceae from China is reported, which was only found in Zhoushan Islands in the East China Sea, located on several islands in Shengsi County, Zhejiang Province, and grows on seashore rocks. Characteristic description and color photos are provided. This species is closely related to Aster arenarius (Kitam.) Nemoto. Detailed morphological characteristics of the two species are also provided.

    • Saussurea linearifolia Ludlow, A New Record of Asteraceae from China

      2021, 29(2):147-148. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4257

      Abstract (543) HTML (366) PDF 474.93 K (566) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Saussurea linearifolia Ludlow was reported as a new record of Asteraceae from Gyirong Xizang (Tibet) of China, this species was previously recorded in the Himalayas of Nepal and India. The description of its characteristics and specimen picture are provided. The voucher was kept in Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KUN).

    • Chiloschista parishii Seidenf. (Orchidaceae), A New Record to Mainland of China

      2021, 29(2):149-150. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4278

      Abstract (529) HTML (402) PDF 501.88 K (574) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chiloschista parishii Seidenf. (Orchidaceae) is reported as a new record from mainland of China. Characteristic descriptions and color photos are provided. The voucher specimens are deposited in Herbarium of College of Forestry, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FJFC).

    • >Plant Ecology and Natural resource Management
    • Potential Impacts of Climate Change in Future on the Geographical Distributions of Relic Liriodendron chinense

      2021, 29(2):151-161. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4322

      Abstract (617) HTML (368) PDF 1.11 M (768) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is of great significance to quantify the impacts of future climate fluctuation on the potential suitable area of Liriodendron chinense and to analyze the climatic factors affecting its distributions, so that to better protect its genetic resources. The Maxent model and ArcGIS software, combined with geographic distribution data, are used to predict the distribution of current and future (2061-2080) potential suitable areas of L. chinense, the distribution of potential suitable areas of L. chinense under future climate fluctuations, and the main climatic factors affecting the geographical distribution of L. chinense were also discussed. The results showed that Maxent model was a good choice when applying to predict the suitable distribution areas of L. chinense due to its high accuracy, and the area under the curve (AUC) of the working characteristic curve (ROC) of subjects is greater than 0.9. The geographic distribution of L. chinense would change with four potential scenarios of carbon emission (RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 6.0, RCP 8.5) in future. The suitable area of L. chinense increase significantly under the condition of RCP4.5, which was significantly reduced under the condition of RCP 8.5, especially in Guizhou and the border of Chongqing, Guizhou and Hunan. Therefore, with the increase of greenhouse gas concentration, the suitable distribution area of L. chinense will increase at first and then decrease, while the distribution geographic center will keep unchanged. The three variables of monthly mean diurnal range, precipitation of wettest and driest quarters are the main factors affecting the geographic distribution of L. chinense with the total contribution rate of 77.1%.

    • Comparison Study of Flowering Process in Three Dichogamous Lauraceae Species

      2021, 29(2):162-170. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4266

      Abstract (500) HTML (808) PDF 1.18 M (689) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the characteristics of breeding system of dichogamous Lauraceae plants, the flowering dynamics of hermaphrodite of Cinnamomum burmannii, Phoebe sheareri and P. chekiangensis were compared. The phases of floral phenology and insect pollinators were observed. Stigma and pollen viability, nectar volume, nectar sugar concentration and natural pollen deposition were measured. Fruit setting were checked with different methods. The results showed that the start time and duration of female and male functional stages were different among three species. Apis cerana was the main pollinator at both of female and male functional stages. The nectary in the 4th round staminodia at female functional stage secreted nectar, while that in the 3rd round of filament base secreted nectar in male functional stage. Nectar volume and nectar sugar concentration had no significant difference at different flowering stages. Stigma receptivity and pollen viability were higher in both male and female functional stages, there was natural pollen deposition during the whole flowering stages. Fruit setting of three species was in the order of outcrossing and pollination>natural pollination>bagging, indicating that there were certain pollination restrictions. Therefore, it was suggested that the difference of time distribution between male and female stages in Lauraceae might be related to the secretion rhythm of nectary in staminodia and the third round stamen.

    • Photoprotection Strategies in Young Leaves of Dominant Species in Mid- and Late-Successional Stages of Low Subtropical Forest in Winter

      2021, 29(2):171-179. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4264

      Abstract (515) HTML (668) PDF 854.34 K (670) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the mechanism of photoprotection strategies of dominant species at different successional stages under different light environments in winter, the physiological and biochemical responsethree dominant species at mid-successional stage, i.e. Schima superba, Castanopsis chinensis and Castanopsis fissa and three dominant species at late-successional stage, i.e. Machilus chinensis, Cryptocarya coninna, Cryptocarya chinensis grown on full light (100% natural light) and low light (30% natural light) were studied. The results showed that, compared with full light, the non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), ratio of carotenoid to chlorophyll (Car/Chl) and anthocyanin content in young leaves of dominant species at mid-successional stage under low light decreased, and the relative cytoplasmic membrane leakage increased. On the contrary, the anthocyanin content in young leaves of dominant species in the late-successional stage increased, the relative cytoplasmic membrane leakage decreased, and the degree of light inhibition was low (high Fv/Fm). In addition, the anthocyanin content, NPQ and Car/Chl in young leaves of mid-successional species were significantly lower than those of late- successional species except of total antioxidant capacity. So, the dominant species at late-successional stage could improve their adaptability to high light environments in winter through their flexible light protection strategies. However, the diversity of light protection strategies and light protection ability of dominant species at mid- successional stage were weaker than those at late-successional stage.

    • >Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
    • Analysis of Pollen Micro-morphology and Phylogenetic Relationship among Seven Species of Eucalyptus

      2021, 29(2):180-186. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4258

      Abstract (637) HTML (435) PDF 814.99 K (687) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the phylogenetic relationship of Eucalyptus species common in China, the pollen morphology of 7 species was observed under scanning electron microscopy. The result showed that the 7 pollen characters of E. pellita and E. exserta were mostly in the top 2. Among 7 species, the equatorial length (EL), width (EW) and area of E. pellita pollen were the largest with 17.522, 17.090 μm and 300.830 μm2, respectively; the colpus length (CL), width (CW) and size of E. exserta pollen were the largest with 6.576, 0.720 μm and 4.718 μm2, respectively; and the equatorial area of E. camaldulensis pollen was the smallest, colpus size of E. wetarensis pollen was the smallest. According to cluster analysis based on pollen characters, 7 Eucalyptus species could be divided into 3 groups under 87.5% of information remaining, including E. pellita and E. exserta, E. wetarensis and E. grandis, and the others. The pollen wall ornamentation of E. pellita and E. exserta were smooth, which E. tereticornis and E. camaldulensis was conventional, and that of E. urophylla, E. wetarensis and E. grandis was rough. From pollen morphology analysis, the phylogenetic relationship between E. pellita and E. exserta was closer, which between E. wetarensis and E. urophylla was farther, and that among E. tereticornis, E. camaldulensis and E. grandiswas consistent with traditional classification. Therefore, there were new interspecies relationships among Eucalyptus species from pollen morphology, which had guiding significance to the hybridization breeding of Eucalyptus.

    • Studies on Optimal Photosynthetic Biochemical Model and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Typical Plants in Karst and Non-karst Regions

      2021, 29(2):187-194. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4269

      Abstract (518) HTML (356) PDF 965.39 K (637) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The aim was to screen the optimal model in fitting photosynthetic CO2response curve (A-Ci curve) of plants in different habitats, three biochemical models, including Ethier & Livingston, Ellsworth, and Sharkey model, were used to fit the A-Ci curves of 8 typical plants in karst and non-karst regions of southwest China. Then the photosynthetic parameters and their response to main environmental factors were analyzed. The results showed that Ethier & Livingston model was better than the other two models in fitting A-Ci curve of 8 typical plants, with determination coefficient (R2) from 0.98 to 0.99 (P<0.01). The photosynthetic parameters (Vcmax and Jmax) fitted by Ethier & Livingston model had no significant differences between karst and non-karst native plants (P>0.05), but both of them were significantly lower than that of Eucalyptus grandis×E. urophylla. Moreover, Vcmax,25 and Jmax,25 of karst and non-karst native plants were significantly correlated with air temperature and soil water content (P<0.05). However, the determination coefficients (R2) between air temperature and Vcmax,25 or Jmax,25 were higher than that between soil water content and Vcmax,25/Jmax,25 for all plants except of Jmax,25 of non-karst native plants. Therefore, these indicated that the influence of air temperature on Vcmax,25 and Jmax,25 of typical plants in this area was stronger than that of soil water content.

    • Cloning BoSCL3 Gene from Brassica olreacea var. italica and Expression Analysis under Waterlogging Stress

      2021, 29(2):195-200. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4263

      Abstract (489) HTML (359) PDF 875.63 K (597) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the function of SCL3 (scarecrow-like 3) gene, a SCL3 gene was cloned from Brassica olreacea var. italic, named BoSCL3, which full length of cDNA sequence was 1355 bp and encoding 446 amino acids. The molecular weight of BoSCL3 was 49.96 KD, predicted to be hydrophobic protein. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the SCL3 in B. olreacea var. italica (BoSCL3) was closely related to those in B. rapa and B. napus, and SCL3 in the same family had high homology. The real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR analysis showed that the expression of BoSCL3 decreased at first and then increased with waterlogging stress time, indicating that this gene might be involved in response to waterlogging stress. Therefore, these would provide a theoretical basis for studying the molecular mechanism of BoSCL3 gene in response to waterlogging stress.

    • Effects of Paclobutrazol on Growth and Physiology Characters of Sorghum

      2021, 29(2):201-208. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4279

      Abstract (553) HTML (414) PDF 575.60 K (735) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the effect of paclobutrazol on growth and physiology characters of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), the variety ‘Nongdahong 1’ was sprayed different concentration paclobutrazol solution at jointing stage, the growth and physiological indexes were studied. The results showed that compared with the control, the plant height and basal internode length of sorghum decreased after sprayed paclobutrazol, and the stem diameter and ear grain weight increased. Therefore, paclobutrazol treatments could improve the lodging resistance of sorghum. Meanwhile, the chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate of leaves increased as well as the antioxidant enzyme activities, and the MDA content reduced. Therefore, spraying paclobutrazol could improve lodging resistance, delay leaf senescence and increase yield of sorghum. In the field production, spraying 450-600 mg/L at jointing stage was more effective.

    • Assessment on Breeding Value of Six Yuetang Parents of Sugarcane and Their Cross Combinations

      2021, 29(2):209-215. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4271

      Abstract (480) HTML (372) PDF 476.03 K (557) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the genetic characteristics and effects of combination selection of Yuetang parents of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum), the genetic effects, economic breeding values of 6 main traits of F1 population from 55 combinations were estimated by using family test method, which families were combined from 6 Yuetang parents, such as ‘YT00-236’, ‘YT03-373’, ‘YT93-159’, ‘YT94-128’, ‘YT99-66’, and ‘YT08-1966’. The results showed that among six parameters, the stalk diameter was controlled primarily by female and male additive genes effects and non-additive genes effects. The plant height, brix, sugar content and cane yield were mainly controlled by male additive genes effects and non-additive genes effects. The tiller number was controlled just by male additive genes effects. The general combining ability (GCA) of cane yield and economy breeding value (EBV) in ‘YT94-128’ as female were the highest among six varieties, which could be used as high-yield female, while ‘YT93-159’ possessed the highest GCA of sugar content and relatively high EBV as male, which could be used as high-sugar male. Among the 55 combinations, the cross combinations ‘YT94-128’בGuitang02-761’, ‘YT00-236’בGuitang94-119’ and ‘Guitang02-467’בYT93-159’ had better special combining ability and EBV than the others, which could be considered as the most important productive families. Therefore, these would provide helpful information for using Yuetang parents in cross combination.

    • >Phytochemistry and Chemical Biolgy
    • Studies on Isolation of Polyacetylenes from Bidens pilosa var. radiata and Their Biological Activities

      2021, 29(2):216-220. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4312

      Abstract (590) HTML (384) PDF 530.04 K (584) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the chemical constituents ofBidens pilosavar. radiate, the four polyacetylenes were isolated from ethyl acetate extract of B. pilosavar. radiate by using multiple column chromatography, and their biological activities were studied. Four polyacetylenes were identified as 5-acetoxy-2-phenylethinyl- thiophene (1), 1-phenylhepta-1,3,5-triyne (2), 5-phenyl-2-(1-propynyl)-thiophene (3), and icthyothereol acetate (4). In vitro activity screening, all these compounds showed moderate anti-MRSA activity, and were not toxic to human liver LO2 cells. The NMR spectroscopic data along with the detailed elucidation of compound 1 was firstly presented, besides, compounds 3 and 4 were isolated from Bidens genus for the first time.

    • >Research Progress
    • Applications of Chromosome Sorted in Botany Research

      2021, 29(2):221-228. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4262

      Abstract (494) HTML (406) PDF 520.77 K (794) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The basic principle of chromosome sorting technology and the basic process of sample treatment were introduced. The chromosome suspension was prepared by synchronizing the apical meristem. And then the target chromosomes with high purity and high quantity were obtained by flow cytometry. The main applications of chromosome sorting technology in plants were reviewed, including the construction of physical maps, the development of DNA molecular markers, and genome sequence of the complex polyploid plant. With the continuous improvement and development of chromosome sorting technology, the development of probe markers for chromosome sorting and the optimization of chromosome DNA purification and amplification technology after sorted, it will provide more effective help for the genomics research of polyploid plants such as sugarcane.

Editor in chief:黄宏文


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