Editor in chief:黄宏文
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SHI Deng-hong , WANG Ji-yue , BAI Yu , ZHANG Ting , LIU Yan , OUYANG Bo-cheng
2020, 28(4):317-328. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4164
Abstract:Ficus tikoua is a woody plant used as traditional medicine. To investigate the genetic variation of F. tikoua cultivars, the gene expression profiles of Chinese F. tikoua were obtained by using the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. The results showed that a total of 197 362 transcripts were obtained from the transcriptome of F. tikoua, with a total and average length of 114 072 125 and 577 bp, respectively. There were 139 992 transcripts (70.93% of total transcripts) annotated by using BlastX and BlastN. There were 12 397, 12 340, 10 373, 94 431, 71 830, and 44 465 differentially expressed genes identified, and 126, 129, 125, 134, 138, and 137 metabolic pathways annotated from six pairs of tissue samples, blades and stems of three F. tikoua cultivars, respectively. So, these would help for understanding not only the genetic characteristics of F. tikoua, but also the metabolic pathway changes in different tissues.
LI Xing-han , FEI Xiao-wen , LI Ya-jun , DENG Xiao-dong
2020, 28(4):329-338. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4165
Abstract:To understand the regulation of 20S proteasome α subunit A (POA1) gene on lipid metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the expression of CrPOA1 in C. reinhardtii were analyzed by qRT-PCR under low nitrogen conditions. The fragment of CrPOA1 in C. reinhardtii CC245 was cloned, and then was used to construct a CrPOA1 RNA interference vector and transferred into C. reinhardtii. The cell dry weight and lipid content of transgenic algae strains was measured. The CDs sequence was cloned. The fusion expression vector of CrPOA1-GFP was constructed and transformed into onion epidermal cells for subcellular localization. The results showed that CrPOA1 mRNA level of C. reinhardtii in low nitrogen culture was significantly decreased than that in normal culture (P<0.01). The CrPOA1 mRNA level of RNAi transgenic algae was significantly decreased by 79.36%-85.35%. The cell dry weight of CrPOA1 RNAi transgenic algae was not significantly different from the control (maa7). The lipid content was significantly decreased by 6.38%-24.63% compared with the control (maa7). The CrPOA1 might local in nucleus. So, it was suggested that CrPOA1 could be involved in lipid metabolism of C. reinhardtii.
LI Qin , CHEN Qi , HE Fu-rong , BHARANI Manoharan , DAI Zhi-cong , QI Shan-shan , DU Dao-lin
2020, 28(4):339-346. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4170
Abstract:The aim was to understand the effect of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), such as Funneliformis mosseae (FM) and Glomus versiforme (GV), on the growth and phosphorus uptake of Wedelia trilobata. The changes in the growth and total P concentration of W. trilobata leaves were studied after inoculated AMF and added insoluble phosphate by sand culture pot planting. The results showed that F. mosseae and G. versiforme could establish symbiosis relationships with W. trilobata with infection rate of 55%-69% and 63%-80%, respectively. When insoluble phosphate were supplied, both F. mosseae and G. versiforme were able to promote the stem elongation (FM:+46%; GV:+65%), total biomass (FM:+27.2%; GV:+40%) and enhance phosphorus content (FM:+36.6%; GV:+40.7%) of W. trilobata. Compared to F. mosseae, G. versiforme was better in enhancing insoluble phosphorus uptake by W. trilobata. Therefore, it was suggested that the symbiosis between W. trilobata and AMF could significantly facilitate the plant growth and enhance the efficiency of insoluble phosphate uptake, which could be benefit the survival of W. trilobata in harsh environment.
SONG Huan , LIU Jie , SONG Ping , FENG Lei , WU Cheng-zhen , HONG Wei
2020, 28(4):347-355. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4176
Abstract:In order to explore the interaction of endophytic fungi and endophytic bacteria on the growth and secondary metabolite accumulation of Tripterygium wilfordii, the endophytic fungi, Fusarium oxysporum NS33 and Penicillium steckii NS6, and endophytic bacteria, Enterobacter cloacae LG3 and Serratia marcescens LY1 were single or combined inoculated into the seedlings of T. wilfordii, and the seedling growth and synthesis of triptolide and celastrol were studied. The results showed that the strains cultured alone or in combination had the ability to secrete siderophore and indole acetic acid (IAA) and dissolve phosphate, and the seed germination rate, elongation of embryo and radicle, and root vigor were significantly promoted. The growth of T. wilfordii plantlets inoculated with strain NS33, NS6, NS6-LG3 or NS6-LY1 was significantly improved. The singe or combined inoculations could significantly enhance the accumulation of triptolide and celastrol, and NS33-LG3 and LG3 showed the greatest effects. Strain NS33 and LG3 could synergistically promote IAA secretion, root activity of wheat seedlings and celastrol accumulation. Strain NS6 and LY1 synergistically improved the height and weight of T. wilfordii plantlets and also celastrol accumulation. So, it was suggested that the combined inoculation of endophytic fungi and endophytic bacteria had a certain synergistic effects on the growth and secondary metabolite accumulation, showing a potential of practical application for T. wilfordii.
ZHANG Qiang-qiang , LIANG Sai , WANG Yan , JIA Li , FANG Ling , ZHANG Qian , JIANG Hai-kun , SUI Yi-hu , DONG Yan-xiang
2020, 28(4):356-366. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4185
Abstract:In order to understand the genetic diversity of Capsicum annuum germplasms, the coefficient of variation, diversity and principal components analysis of 34 phenotypic traits of 57 germplasms were studied, and the cluster analysis of them based on phenotypic traits and SSR markers were carried out, respectively. The results showed that there were significant differences in 34 phenotypic traits among Capsicum germplasms, the mean coefficient of variation and Shannon-Weiner diversity index were 40.67% and 1.20, respectively, and the 10 principal components could represent 75.972% of genetic information of phenotypic traits, the first principal component accounted for 22.317%, which was mainly composed of fruit transverse diameter, single fruit weight, shoulder shape and top character; the average Nei's genetic diversity index and Shannon information index of 19 SSR primers were 0.48 and 0.80, respectively. Based on phenotypic traits and SSR markers, fifty-seven Capsicum germplasms could be divided into 4 groups, but the correlation between two clusters was not significant (r=-0.175 9). So, these would provide theoretical basis for selection of parents and evaluation of germplasm resources in Capsicum breeding.
YANG Ling , DU Wen-ting , LU Qiang , YUAN Jia-qiu , FU Xiang-xiang
2020, 28(4):367-374. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4166
Abstract:In order to reveal the growth rhythm of Cornus, the height and ground diameter of one-year-old seedlings for C. florida, C. hongkongensis and C. hongkongensis subsp. tonkinensis were observed. According to the fitting analysis using Logistic equation for three Cornus seedlings (R2>0.98, P<0.01), the seedling growing process of both height and ground diameter could be divided into 3 stages, including initial stage, fast stage and later stage. Among three stages, the seedling growth of height and ground diameter at fast stage accounted for 55.23%-59.06% and 59.46%-60.71%, respectively. The annual growth accumulation of C. florida were larger than the other two evergreen Cornus species, while the seedling growth patterns of height and ground diameter for C. hongkongensis and C. hongkongensis subsp. tonkinensis were similar. The starting time of initial and grow fasting stages of C. florida were earlier than that of two evergreen others, but the duration of two stages of C. florida were also shorter than that of evergreen ones. In conclusion, the growth rhythms of height and ground diameter of one-year-old seedlings of three Cornus showed the similar pattern of "slow-fast-slow", according with "S" shape. Moreover, the growth of height and ground diameter of Cornus seedlings was allometric. So, these would provide the theoretical foundation for cultivation promotion, introduction and domestication of Cornus.
PAN Fa-guan , YE Qing-liang , LI Yu-feng , ZHONG Zhi-ming , CHEN Hong-feng , YI Qi-fei
2020, 28(4):375-384. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4180
Abstract:Sample quadrat survey was conducted on Paphiopedilum purpuratum in Baixi Provincial Nature Reserve of Zijin County, Heyuan City, Guangdong Province. The dynamic changes of the planting stages of population of P. purpuratum were studied by using population life table, survival curve table, survival function value and time series prediction analysis method. Quantitative dynamics and variation of plants. The results showed that seedling was the dominant species, approximately 54.73% of the population, and the age structure was stable. The dynamic index Vpi of population age structure was 0.33, Vpi' was 0.07. Both dynamic indices were more than 0, the survival curve type is closer to Deevey-Ⅱ,indicating that the population was stable at present. Both of them while the cumulative mortality and risk function increase, survival function decreases, and death density function fluctuates greatly. The time sequence prediction analysis shows that P. purpuratum has a certain recovery ability, but the overall population increased with time, the adult plants gradually increased, and the seedlings decreased. The average flowering and seed setting rate of P. purpuratum is only 16.94% and 3.29%. The seed has no endosperm and under nutrition, which makes it difficult to develop into a seedling in the nature, and propagation mainly by tillers, so it was very important for the protection of P. purpuratum seedlings.
TIAN Sheng-ni , CHEN Xin , LI Ren-yuan , GONG Yuan-yuan , XI Xiao-yu , REN Yu-qing
2020, 28(4):385-393. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4177
Abstract:In order to understand the age structure and dynamic changes of Pseudotsuga gaussenii population, four survival functions were used to discuss the dynamic changes of P. gaussenii population in Ningguo, Anhui province by replacing age classes with size classes and establishing static life table with smoothing technique. The results showed that P. gaussenii in Ningguo was declining population. The number of individuals at juvenile stage was very small, accounting for 3.78% with low survival, while the number of individuals at middle-age stage was high, accounting for 80.04%. The life expectancy of P. gaussenii decreased with the increment of age. The survival curve of P. gaussenii population belonged to Deevey-Ⅱ type. The seed germination rate was low and there were few seedlings, which were related to the high canopy density, the insufficient light intensity and the poor individual competitiveness in the community. The young individuals were insufficient, individuals at middle-and high-age could not be supplemented in time, and human disturbance was too serious, which caused to unstable population structure of P. gaussenii. Therefore, it was recommended that small reserve would be established to protect P. gaussenii population.
HUANG Shi-de , HUANG Yong-rong , GAO Wei , NIE Sen , CAI Bin , LIN Jie
2020, 28(4):394-402. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4146
Abstract:To understand the characteristics of litterfall production and nutrient return in Wuyi Mountain forests, the litterfall production amount and nutrient return of three typical forests with different elevations were surveyed continuously for three years. The results showed that annual litterfall productions were 471.25, 453.77 and 409.84 g/m2 in the evergreen broad-leaved forest (645 m), coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest (1 028 m) and coniferous forest (1 442 m), respectively. Litterfall productions of three typical forests decreased along with the altitude. There were obvious seasonal changes in litterfall production of three typical forests with a bimodal pattern, which the occurrence time of peak and secondary peak in evergreen broad-leaved forest was approximately opposite to those in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest and coniferous forest. Among litterfalls, the leaves were dominant in three typical forests, accounting for 78.11%-87.55%, while twig and others were less. The total annual nutrient return from litterfall in three forests was C > N > K > P, and the total nutrient return was decreased along with the altitude. The amount of litterfall and nutrient return were high in the evergreen broad-leaved forest which might be related to environment conditions and vegetation traits. Therefore, these would provide the theoretical basis on researches in nutrient and carbon cycle in the subtropical forest ecosystem.
NIE Li-yun , ZHANG Wan-wan , LI Shi-yu , JIAN Shu-guang , LIU Dong-ming , XING fu-wu , WANG Fa-guo
2020, 28(4):403-410. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4172
Abstract:In order to understand the physiological adaptability of Clerodendrum inerme to tropical coral islands, the photosynthetic and stress resistance characteristics of C. inerme were studied under different water and nitrogen treatments. The results showed that watering frequency had greater effects than nitrogen treatment on physiological characteristics of C. inerme. The chlorophyll (Chl) a content and Chl a/b were the highest under low watering frequency with significant difference under other watering frequencies. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs) and water use efficiency (WUE) under low watering frequency were significantly higher than those under high watering frequency, while the transpiration rate (Tr) was significantly low, showing better photosynthetic capacity and water use efficiency. The proline (Pro) content under medium watering frequency was the highest with (5.04±1.21) mg/g, which could reduce the osmotic pressure and increase water absorption under drought stress; the relative conductivity under low watering frequency was the lowest with 0.17±0.03, which could reduce membrane system damage caused by drought stress. Therefore, Clerodendrum inerme has a good adaptability to drought and barren habitats in tropical coral islands.
2020, 28(4):411-417. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4174
Abstract:In order to understand the origin and development of laticifers in Apocynacea species, the secretory structures in vegetative organs of Ceropegia woodii and Dischidia ruscifolia were observed under microscope. The results showed that there were branched laticifer without node in all vegetative organs of C. woodii and D. ruscifolia. Most of laticifers in stem cortex had distinct branches. The laticifer have distinct branches in leaf, and its distribution and orientation are parallel to vascular bundle of leaf vein. In addition, except for laticifer, there are secretory cavities in vegetative organs of C. woodii. So, these would provide an anatomical basis for the systematic classification of Apocynaceae.
ZHANG Shu-ren , WANG Ji-xuan , LI Bang-ze
2020, 28(4):418-420. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4219
Abstract:Actinoschoenus yunnanensis (C. B. Clarke) Y. C. Tang, a species representing a new generic record of Cyperaceae of flora of Myanmar, was found during the recent field survey in Nat Ma Taung (Mt. Victoria), Mindat Township, Chin State, Myanmar. The genus Actinoschoenus is characterized by inflorescence capitate, spikelets 1(2)-flowered, flowers bisexual, stamens 3, stigmas 3, and nutlets obovoid and obtusely 3-sided.
TONG Yi-hua , AVERYANOV Leonid , NGUYEN Thi Thanh Huong , NGUYEN Khang Sinh , HE Chun-mei , XIA Nian-he
2020, 28(4):421-424. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.4215
Abstract:Two new records, Agapetes megacarpa W. W. Smith and A. lobbii C. B. Clarke (Ericaceae), were reported from Luang Prabang and Vientiane provinces of Laos, respectively. The vouchers were housed in Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). The information of specimen, distribution and color photos for each species were provided, and two keys to all the three species reported in Laos based on fertile and sterile material are additionally given.
Editor in chief:黄宏文
International standard number:ISSN
Unified domestic issue:CN
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