Editor in chief:黄宏文
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WANG Si-ning , SUN Hua-yu , XU Hao , YANG Yi-hong , ZHAO Han-sheng , GAO Zhi-min
2018, 26(3):215-223. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3818
Abstract:In order to understand the molecular characteristics and expression patterns of brassinolide (BL) receptor kinase genes in Phyllostachys edulis, the characters of BL receptor kinase genes in P. edulis were analyzed by using bioinformatics methods, and their expression patterns were studied by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The results showed that there were eight BL receptor kinase homologous genes named PeBRLs in P. edulis, belonging to four subfamilies. The PeBRLs encoded proteins contained 858-1 224 amino acid residues with molecular weight of 92-130 kDa. All PeBRLs contained three conserved domains in the kinase region endemic to BL receptor kinase, which indicating the structure of PeBRLs were relatively conservative. Moreover, they all had one transmembrane structure except PeBRL1-1 with two ones. All eight PeBRLs were predicted to be localized on the cell membrane belonging to the typical membrane chimeric protein. The results of qRT-PCR demonstrated that PeBRLs within subfamily had basically consistent expression patterns in different tissues, but there were obvious differences among PeBRLs in different subfamilies. The expression of PeBRLs showed four variation trends in bamboo shoots at different development stages. Therefore, it was suggested that PeBRLs might play different roles in different bamboo tissues and bamboo shoots at different development stages.
LI Yi-liang , HUANG Zi-pei , ZHAO Fen-cheng , WU Hui-shan , GUO Wen-bing , LIAO Fan-yan
2018, 26(3):224-232. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3825
Abstract:In order to understand the genetic diversity of Piuns caribaea Morelet, the methylation diversity among 17 provenances to 3 varieties of P. caribaea was studied by using methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) technique. The results showed that a total of 425 bands were amplified by 56 pairs of primer combinations, 422 of them were polymorphic with a polymorphism rate of 99.25%. The major DNA methylation type in P. caribaea was hemi-methylation. The average methylation rate of P. caribaea var. caribaea, var. hondurensis and var. bahmaensis was 22.39%, 22.29% and 22.35%, respectively, which had no significant difference. The genetic diversity of DNA sequences (H=0.4376) was significantly higher than that of DNA methylation (H=0.3274). The Mantel test showed that there was no relation between genome genetic variation and methylation epigenetic variation (r=-0.171, P=0.16). The genetic cluster result was very different from that of methylation, although the two clustering results could not divided the three varieties of P. caribaea. So, it was suggested that P. caribaea had a high epigenetic diversity, which could provide excellent germplasm resources for genetic improvement of P. caribaea.
LIN Bao-mei , ZHENG Kai-bin , ZHANG Shuai , HONG Jia-min , ZHENG Fei-yan , LIN Guo-rong , QIU Shan-lian
2018, 26(3):233-240. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3831
Abstract:In order to investigate the antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities of jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) fruits at different maturities, the contents of total polyphenols (TP) and total flavonoids (TF) of 70% ethanol extracts from its peels and seeds were measured, and the correlation of TP, TF with antioxidant capacity and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity was analyzed. The results showed the contents of TP and TF, antioxidant capacity and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity in peels and seeds of jabuticaba at different maturities had obviously difference. The contents of TP and TF ranged from 18.31 to 95.96, 16.50 to 43.48 mg g-1DW, respectively. The content of TP was the highest in peels at green fruit stage, the lowest in peels at red fruit stage, while the content of TF was the highest in seeds at green fruit stage, the lowest in seeds at purple fruit stage. The peels of green fruits had the highest antioxidant capacity, while the seeds of purple fruits showed the lowest level. The capacity of scavenging ·OH of all extracts with EC50 ranged from 0.260 6 to 1.280 4 g DW L-1 was stronger than that of ascorbic acid (EC50=2.659 0 g DW L-1). The IC50 value of α-glucosidase inhibitory activity ranged from 1.134 0 to 11.414 1 mg DW L-1 showed lower than that of acarbose (IC50=3 133.47 mg L-1). The contents of TP and TF had positively significant correlation with the antioxidant capacity (P < 0.05), as well as α-glucosidase inhibitory activity and scavenging capacity of free radicals, such as DPPH·, ·OH and ABTS+. Therefore, the jaboticaba fruits at green stage were a good source of natural antioxidants and α-glucosidase inhibitors, due to its high contents of TP and TF, great antioxidation and strong inhibition on α-glucosidase.
XING Jian-hong , PAN De-zhuo , TAN Fang-lin , CHEN Wei
2018, 26(3):241-248. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3807
Abstract:In order to understand the response of antioxidant system in roots of Kandelia candel seedlings to salt stress, sixty-day-old mangrove Kandelia candel seedlings cultured in sand with Hoagland solution were treated with 0, 200, 400 and 600 mmol L–1 NaCl for 1, 3, 5, and 7 days, respectively. The results showed that the contents of O2· and H2O2 remained low level treated with 200 and 400 mmol L–1 NaCl for the same days, but increased significantly under 600 mmol L–1 NaCl. MDA content remained stable under 200 and 400 mmol L–1 NaCl compared to control (0 mmol L–1 NaCl), while increased remarkably under 600 mmol L–1 NaCl. The activities of SOD, POD, CAT, APX, and GR increased at first and then decreased with increment of NaCl concentration treated for the same days. The activities of these enzymes were significantly higher than those in control treated for 3 and 5 days, but they were significantly lower than those in control treated with 600 mmol L–1 NaCl for 7 days. The contents of AsA and GSH were significantly higher than those in control. Therefore, it was suggested that Kandelia candel roots could improve the resistance to salt stress through strong antioxidant system to scavenging active oxygen.
ZENG Lin , GU Ya-kun , WU Yi , ZHENG Xi-long
2018, 26(3):249-254. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3824
Abstract:In order to preserve effectively and stably the seeds of Dipterocarpus turbinatus Gaertn. F., the influence of low temperature storage on seed vigor, structure and physiological and biochemical indexes was studied. The results showed that the water content of seeds with 45% was safe for storage. The vitrification and slow freezing had more damage to seed structure, and the seed vigor decreased greatly. So, the best method for cryopreservation of seeds was the rapid freezing. The liquid nitrogen frozen reduced the activities of POD, CAT and dehydrogenase, and increased the activity of α-amylase, but had no significant effects on the content of MDA. Therefore, ultralow temperature preservation is scientific and feasible method for the seeds of D. turbinatus.
GUO Wei , LIU Ping , DENG Lei , WANG Jin-jiang , HONG Lan , CHEN Ping , SUN Yan-jun
2018, 26(3):255-261. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3816
Abstract:In order to understand the effect of illumination on the growth of Belosynapsis ciliate, the changes in morphological character and chlorophyll fluorescence were studied under different light intensity by using artificial shading method. The results showed that with the increment of shading intensity, the height of B. ciliata increased, but the node number, stem diameter, and length of branch decreased, the internode length was not obvious change, while the chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll contents and chlorophyll a/b increased at first and then decreased, and reached up to the maximum under 15.2%NS. The Fv/Fm of B. ciliata had negatively correlated with chlorophyll b content, which ranged from 0.75 to 0.8. So, it was suggested that B. ciliata grown prostrate near ground under high light, and tend to erect with weaken of light. Therefore, appropriate shade (35.1%NS) could promote growth of B. ciliata at early roof greening, accelerate turf and reduce management cost.
ZOU Xiao-jun , Cai Jin-huan , LIE Zhi-yang , XUE Li
2018, 26(3):262-271. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3808
Abstract:In order to select landscape plants with salt resistance, the allocation and accumulation of nutrient of three landscape species, such as Ervatamia divaricat, Excoecaria cochinchinensis and Duranta erecta, were studied under salt stress. Ervatamia divaricat, Excoecaria cochinchinensis and D. erecta were planted in College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, South China Agricultural University. The results showed that Na content in all organs and K content in leaf, as well as Cl and N contents in all organs of Ervatamia divaricat and Excoecaria cochinchinensis increased, whereas K content in stems and branches of all plants and roots of Excoecaria cochinchinensis and D. erecta decreased under salt stress. P content of all plants varied irregularly. Na and Cl accumulations increased in three landscape species with salt stress, which enriched in stem and leaves. The N, P and K accumulations in different organs of Ervatamia divaricat and D. erecta and P and K accumulations in different organs of Excoecaria cochinchinensis decreased with salt stress. Therefore, NaCl stress increased Na and Cl contents and accumulations but decreased biomass of organ and N, P and K accumulations. Among the three species, Ervatamia divaricate and D. erecta were better landscape plants under salt stress in south China.
XU Xiao-feng , WANG Pan , ZHANG Su-jiong , CHEN Jiang-fang , CHEN Xiu-yuan , KANG Hua-jing
2018, 26(3):272-277. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3815
Abstract:In order to reveal the development dynamics of Hamamelis mollis population in Gaomushan and Dapanshan Nature Reserves, Pan'an County, Zhejiang, the intra-specific and inter-specific competitions of H. mollis were studied by using the methods of niche and Hegyi's competition model for individual tree. The results showed that the niche breadth of H. mollis was the greatest in the community, and Cornus kousa sp. chinensis was followed. The niche overlaps between H. mollis and accompanying species were in the order of Cornus kousa sp. chinensis > Stewartia sinensis var. acutisepala > Rhododendron fortunei > Pterostyrax corymbosus > Styrax odora- tissimus > Carpinus tientaiensis > Meliosma oldhamii > Camellia cuspidata > Carpinus cordata var. chinensis > Lindera erythrocarpa > Platycarya strobilacea. Acoording to Hegyi's competition index model for individual tree, the competition intensity of intra-species was larger than that of inter-species, and reached the maximum at diameter at breast height (DBH) of 15-20 cm. It was predicted by power function that the intra-specific and inter-specific competition intensity of H. mollis would tend to be stable at DBH more than 22.5 cm. Therefore, shrub species should be chosen as main accompanying species in the management of H. mollis plantations, and small arbor with strong sprouting ability should be avoided.
LIN Shu-yan , SHAO Li-juan , LI Jie , ZHANG Li , DING Yu-long
2018, 26(3):278-284. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3779
Abstract:In order to discuss whether the development of the female organ is normal, the development of megasporogenesis and female gametophyte of Bambusa multiplex was studied by the method of traditional paraffin section and SEM. The results showed that the ovary had one anatropous ovule, bitegmic and tenuinucellate. A female archesporial cell developed into megaspore mother cell directly, linear tetrad. The functional megaspore near the micropyle developed into mature embryo sac with eight nucleuses in 7 cells, including 3 antipodal cells arranged transversely near the chalazal and egg apparatus (1 egg cell and 2 synergid cells) near the micropylar end and a central cell (2 polar nucleus). In addition, the corresponding development relationship between pistil and stamen was established, which discovered the anthers and stigmas of B. multiplex matured at the same time. The corresponding development relationship between pistil and stamen may provide the reference for the developmental phase of embryo sac according to the anther length. During the pistil development process abnormal structures of ovaries may be one of the reasons of the low seed rate.
ZHANG Wei , LI Yong-quan , WANG Hui-feng , LI Zhen , SHAO Jian-wen
2018, 26(3):285-292. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3826
Abstract:In order to understand the morphological variation of endangered distylous species Primula merrilliana populations, 14 morphological characters of 4 core and 3 peripheral populations were studied. The results showed that coefficient of variation (CV) of morphological characters ranged from 0.09 to 0.50 in core populations and from 0.05 to 0.56 in peripheral populations, showing no significant difference. In 14 morphological characters, the average of 8 traits in core populations was significantly higher than that of peripheral populations (P < 0.05), while only that of 3 traits, such as corolla diameter, corolla lobe width and leave width, in peripheral populations was higher than that in core populations. The reciprocity index of distylous flowers in core populations were relatively high and stable (0.83-0.90), meaning that the two types flower in core populations reciprocally matched well, while the reciprocity index varied greatly in peripheral populations (0.60-0.93). Therefore, the morphological variation of core and peripheral populations of distylous species P. merrilliana basically supported the “rich center model” hypothesis, the P. merrilliana protection strategy was also discussed.
QIN Ying , YUAN Quan , MENG Tao
2018, 26(3):293-295. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3827
Abstract:Cleisostoma tricornutum Averyanov is reported from China for the first time. This species may be related to C. crochetii (Guillaumin) Garay, from which it differs in having a simple filiform pollinarium stipe, subglobular pollinia and a hemispheric operculum with a short obtuse beak. This species also is similar with C. parishii (J. D. Hooker) Garay, but differs in having lax, rarely branched inflorescence and long, horn-shaped, lip side lobes. Description and photos of the new record are also provided.
2018, 26(3):296-298. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3823
Abstract:Valerianella locusta (Linn.) Laterr., is reported as a new recorded naturalized species of China, which has been found in Jiangsu Province.
WU Bao-huan , ZHAO Wan-yi , SHI Wen-ting , YANG Hai-jun , CUI Da-fang
2018, 26(3):299-301. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3800
Abstract:The genus Porophyllum Guettard and a species of this genus, P. rederale are firstly reported naturalized in China. Due to its invasiveness, it is necessary to carry out a dynamic monitoring for the species.
ZHOU Han-chen , WANG Hui , LEI Pan-deng , HUANG Jian-qin
2018, 26(3):302-308. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3809
Abstract:In order to understand the quality characteristic of Taiping Houkui tea and clonal breeding of ‘Shida tea’, the aromatics, catechins and free amino acids in three strains of ‘Shida tea’ (No. 6, No. 7, No. 23) were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography and amino acid analyzer. The results showed that (Z)-3-Hexen-1-ol, myrcene, limonene, cis-β-ocimene, linalool, linalool oxide, methyl salicylate, cis-hexanoic acid-3-hexenyl ester and cis-jasmone are main aroma components of ‘Shida tea’, accounting for 74.70%, 83.65%, 87.73% of total aroma in No. 6, No. 7 and No. 23, respectively. Contents of catechins, caffeine and amino acids had significant differences among three strains, the ratio of polyphenols to amino acids were 7.75, 16.49, 7.69, respectively. According to the sensory evaluation, green tea processed from No. 6 and No. 23 in fresh smell and mellow taste were better than that from No. 7. Therefore, the strains No. 6 and No. 23 are suitable to be used as materials for clonal breeding.
YANG Zhi , SUN Guo-tai , DI Ying-tong , WANG Yue-hu , HU Xu-jia
2018, 26(3):309-316. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3839
Abstract:In order to understand the chemical constituents of Neoboletus brunneissimus, eighteen compounds were isolated. On the basis of spectral data, they were identified as 5α,8α-epidoxy-(22E,24R)-ergosta-6,22-dien- 3β-ol (1), 5α,8α-epidioxy-(22E,24R)-ergosta-6,9(11),22-trien-3β-ol (2), (22E,24R)-ergosta-7,22-dien-3β-ol (3), (24S)-ergosta-7-en-3
LIU Wen-bin , DONG Li-mei , LUO Bi , ZHANG Qiang , GU Wen-xiang , TAN Jian-wen
2018, 26(3):317-322. DOI: 10.11926/jtsb.3820
Abstract:In order to understand the chemical constituents of Cyclocarya paliurus, twelve compounds were isolated from the 95% ethanol extract of its leaves. On the basis of spectral data, they were identified as zingerone (1), caffeic acid methyl ester (2), naringenin (3), arjunolic acid (4), 1-oxo-3β,23-dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid (5), 2α-hydroxyursolic acid (6), kaempferol (7), quercetin (8), kaempferol-3-O-(3-O-acetyl-α-l-rhamnopyranoside) (9), luteolin (10), 1-oxo-3β,23-dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid 28-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (11) and afzelin (12). Compounds 1, 2, 5, 9 and 11 were obtained from this plant species for the first time.
Editor in chief:黄宏文
International standard number:ISSN
Unified domestic issue:CN
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