Editor in chief:黄宏文
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2013, 21(4):289-296. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.001
Abstract:The aim was to understand the function of mitochondrial fission proteins. Two homologues, NtFIS1A and NtFIS1B, were identified by searching tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) EST database with mitochondiral fission member of FIS1A and FIS1B in Arabidopsis. Expression of NtFIS1A/1B in tobacco ‘BY-2’ suspension cells were inhibited by using RNA interference and artificial microRNA interference. The RT-PCR results showed that the transcription of NtFIS1A/1B were knockdown in related RNAi cell lines. Thereafter, mitochondrial morphology in RNA knockdown cell lines was analyzed. The average area of single mitochondria significantly increased. It was concluded that NtFIS1A/1B participated in mitochondrial fission in ‘BY-2’ suspension cells. It would contribute to understand morphological regulation of mitochondria in tobacco suspension cells.
XU Cheng-xiang , MA Yan-ping , XU Xi-zeng
2013, 21(4):297-304. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.002
Abstract:In order to investigate the relationship between salt tolerances of jujube cultivar and polyamine and polyamine oxidase, the polyamine contents and polyamine oxidase activities in two-year-old plants of ‘Jingsixiaozao’ with strong salt tolerance and ‘Dongzao’ with weak salt tolerance were studied. The results showed that under 120 mmol L-1 NaCl salt stress, the polyamine contents in roots and leaves of two jujube cultivars enhanced, and increase degree of ‘Jingsixiaozao’ was significantly larger than that of ‘Dongzao’. As the extension of salt stress days, polyamine contents of roots and leaves decreased, and the decrease degree was in the order as: ‘Dongzao’ > ‘Jingsixiaozao’, leaves > roots, conjugated polyamines > free polyamines, spermine > spermidine, respectively. The activities of polyamine oxidases (PAO) were higher than that of diamine oxidases (DAO) in roots and leaves of the two jujube cultivars, the increase degree of weak salt tolerant cultivar ‘Dongzao’ was much greater than that of strong salt tolerant cultivar ‘Jingsixiaozao’ under salt stress. These indicate that salt tolerance of jujube cultivar has close correlation with composition and content of endogenous polyamines, and activity of polyamine oxidases. So, It is suggested that polyamine accumulation is beneficial to enhance salt tolerance of jujube cultivar.
LIU Feng , SHU Xi , ZHENG Yan-hua , LI Zi-jun , YANG Cheng-wei , WANG Ya-qin
2013, 21(4):305-314. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.003
Abstract:In order to understand the function of CPR5 in rice (Oryza sativa L.), a homologous sequence, named as OsCPR5, was cloned from rice full-length cDNA library by BLAST. Bioinformatics analysis showed that the length of ORF in OsCPR5 was 1551 bp, encoding 516 amino acids. The OsCPR5 protein contained five transmembrane regions at the carboxy terminus, which also existed in AtCPR5. The expression of OsCPR5 was high in roots. The subcellular localization showed that OsCPR5 distributed widely in cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. The expression of OsCPR5 in rice was up-regulated by different environment stresses, including exogenous abscisic acid (ABA), NaCl, especially methyl viologen (MV) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). When transgenic lines atcpr5/OsCPR5 of Arabidopsis thaliana were treated with methyl viologen (0.5 μmol L-1, 1.0 μmol L-1) and hydrogen peroxide (6 mmol L-1, 8 mmol L-1), the seed germination rates were higher than that of atcpr5 mutant. Therefore, it was suggested that OsCPR5 played a role in response to oxidative stress.
2013, 21(4):315-322. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.004
Abstract:In order to understand the genetic diversity of kiwifruits in southwest of China, AFLP system for kiwifruits was optimized. The optimum AFLP system was constructed as following: 300 ng DNA was digested with EcoR I/Mse I (15 U/5 U) at 37℃ for 2 h, diluted by 5-fold after ligating with adaptors for the preamplification, and then the production of pre-amplification diluted 10-fold was used for selective amplification. The results showed that 979 electrophoretic bands were identified totally, of which 649 bands were polymorphic by using 22 pairs of primers. The genetic diversity of ten kiwifruit species, including Actinidia chinensis, A. deliciosa, A. chinensis var. hispida, A. venosa fo. pudescens, A. rubricaulis var. coriacea, A. tetramera, A. kolomikta, A. ploygama, A. callosa var. henryi and A. arguta var. purpurea, from southwestern China, were analysis by using the optimum AFLP system. The results indicated that there were obvious clustering relationship among intraspecific and interspecific, and cross cluster existed in species between sect. Maculatae and sect. Leiocarpae, related to geographic regional distribution.
LI Chun-lian , XIN Yan-ping , HAN Bo-ping , LEI La-mei
2013, 21(4):323-331. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.005
Abstract:In order to understand the toxin characteristics and ITS sequences diversity of Microcystis in Guangdong reservoirs, twenty-eight Microcystis strains were isolated, and their toxin characters and ITS sequences obtained from fifteen Microcystis strains were analyzed. The results showed that microcystin-producing genotypes were dominated in Guangdong reservoirs by HPLC and PCR method of microcystin synthase gene (mcyE), and the main type of microcystin was MC-RR. ITS sequences of Microcystis strains from Guangdong reservoirs had more than 93.2% similarity. Neighbour-joining (NJ) tree indicated that different species and origin from different regions could gather in a group, and toxic and non-toxic strains could not be separated. It was suggested that genetic diversity of Microcystis strains in Guangdong reservoirs was low, and there were no correlation between ITS sequences and the presence of mcyE. Furthermore, phenotypes of Microcystis strains did not necessarily reflect their phylogeny. So the combination of traditional and molecular approaches required to reassess the current cyanobacterial taxonomy should become the focus in the future.
LONG Chao , CHEN Bo , HE Bi-juan , GAO Cheng-hai
2013, 21(4):332-338. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.006
Abstract:The aim was to understand morphological characteristics and phylogenetic evolution significant of Prorocentrum micans. The morphological characters of P. micans BBW-01strain, isolated from Beibu Gulf of Guangxi Province, was described under light microscopy, and phylogenetic evolution relationship was studied on the basis of molecular sequences. The morphological characters of different geographical P. micans tested in this study were similar, except of the range of cell size. The morphology of P. micans BBW-01 was more close to that isolated from Daya bay of Guangdong Province. Seven big pores arranged symmetrically with V-shape at the posterior end could be an important indicator of identification of P. micans. Homologous Blast and system evolution analysis on the basis of 18S rDNA sequence showed that P. micans BBW-01 had close relation with P. micans (DQ004735), and clustered together with two other P. micans, belonging to planktonic or facultative planktonic Prorocentrum. Therefore, the precise identification of the causative species was helpful to prevent and reduce the harm of red tide on marine environment and human beings.
2013, 21(4):339-342. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.007
Abstract:Based on the study of type specimens and protologues, Vaccinium wardii Adamson is treated as a synonym of Gaultheria hookeri C. B. Clarke, instead of Vaccinium fragile Franch.
BUI Hong Quang , VU Tien Chinh , TRAN The Bach , XIA Nian-he
2013, 21(4):343-346. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.008
Abstract:Jasminum macrocarpum is reported as a new record from Vietnam. This species is collected from Kon Ha Nung Forest Station, K’Bang District, Gia Lai Province, South Vietnam. The vouchers are kept in herbarium of Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam (HN), and herbarium of South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IBSC).
ZHOU Shan , LUO Yan-yan , WANG Rui-jiang
2013, 21(4):347-350. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.009
Abstract:Based on the examination of the herbarium specimens and comparison to the population characters in the field, Leptodermis umbellata Batalin is treated as the synonym of L. diffusa Batalin.
2013, 21(4):351-355. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.010
Abstract:Through herbarium and literature surveys, we found that when Liu (in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 77(2): 72. 1989) reduced Ligularia angustiligulata C. C. Chang to the synonymy under L. lamarum (Diels) C. C. Chang, he did not check any authentic type material of the former name, i.e. H. T. Tsai 58004 (LBG, PE). The specimens he checked, including two sheets at KUN and one sheet at SZ, albeit also numbered H. T. Tsai 58004 and with the exactly same collection information as the two Tsai specimens at LBG and PE, are in conflict with the protologue in some important characters and thus do not belong to the type collection of L. angustiligulata. These three sheets are clearly referable to L. lamarum. The sheet at PE agrees perfectly with the protologue of L. angustiligulata and is the only specimen bearing the name “L. angustiligulata” in C. C. Chang’s hand, and undoubtedly is the holotype of this name. The sheet at LBG also fits perfectly the protologue of L. angustiligulata and is thus an isotype of the name. We determined that L. angustiligulata is not essentially different from L. phyllocolea Hand.-Mazz. and should be placed in synonymy under the latter. In addition, we found the type material of L. longipes C. C. Chang to be different from L. phyllocolea in some important characters. Further studies are thus needed to determine the identity of L. longipes, which is currently placed in synonymy under L. phyllocolea.
YANG Xiao-li , XING Fu-wu , CHEN Shu-gang , ZENG Qing-wen
2013, 21(4):356-364. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.011
Abstract:The aim was to understand structure characteristics of Manglietia pachyphylla community at Nankunshan Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province, the species composition, flora components, vertical structure and age structure of the community were studied by field investigation method. The results showed that there are 239 species vascular plants, belonging to 72 families and 136 genera in plots with area of 2000 m2, which dominated by Tropical element type. Among these, Lauraceae, Theaceae, Fagaceae, Aquifoliaceae, and Bubiaceae were dominant, and the dominant species of the community was Schizostachyum dumetorum, with an important value of 81.09%. The mesophanerophytes and microphanerophytes species accounted for 79.23% in life form spectrum of the community. This community belongs to Subtropical evergreen broad-leave forest, and can be vertically divided into three layers, including tree layer, shrub layer, and herb layer, and interlayer species were rich. Analysis on age structure indicated that Manglietia pachyphylla populations expressed a decline tendency. Therefore, Manglietia pachyphylla is an endangered species which must be protected by in situ conservation, and the conservation strategies should also put attention on ex situ conservation, and popularization and application in landscape greening.
FU Qian , NING Zu-lin , LIAO Jing-ping
2013, 21(4):365-380. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.012
Abstract:The summer ornamental plant resources and their landscape applications were investigated from some parks, nurseries, campuses, urban streets, green areas and South China Botanical Garden in Guangzhou on the basis of field survey and data collection. There are 289 species of 81 families of summer ornamental plant catalogued, and the characters, habitat of ornamental plants and landscape application were discussed and analysed. Suggestions were proposed on exploring the summer ornamental plant resources to promote the development of landscape in Guangzhou district.
ZHANG Jing , GUO Xiao-ping , WANG Bao , GUO Jing-jing
2013, 21(4):381-388. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2013.04.013
Abstract:The research progress on the noise reduction mechanism by green belts, as well as the noise reduction effects of green belts with different configuration modes was introduced. The current univariate and multivariate models were summarized, which were confined to poor universality and low accuracy. Moreover, the possible development in the future was predicated. The main influential parameters could be confirmed by using non-linear ecological models. According to the relationships between parameters and the amount of noise reduction, the nonlinear prediction models of noise reduction by different green belts could be fitted, which could guide the design and construction of green belts.
Editor in chief:黄宏文
International standard number:ISSN
Unified domestic issue:CN
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