Editor in chief:黄宏文
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XIA Kuai-fei , LIANG Chen-ye , YE Xiu-lin , ZHANG Ming-yong
2009, 17(3):211-217. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2233
Abstract:Peiai 64S (Oryza sativa L. subsp. indica), is a thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile (TGMR) rice. High temperature causes sterile pollens at the microsporogenesis stage. The anther morphology and the calcium precipitate were investigated in the fertile and sterile anthers of Peiai 64S under low or high temperature. There were more small vacuoles, more calcium precipitates and less mitochondria in the sterile pollen mother cells than those in the fertile pollen mother cells. More calcium precipitates were located in the epidermis, endothecium and tapetum of the sterile anther than in those of the fertile anther. Longitudinal inner cell wall of the sterile anther became thicker than that of the fertile anther at the dyad stage and uninucleate pollen stage. Some large vacuoles appeared in the tapetal cells of the sterile anthers at the early uninucleate pollen stage. All of the sterile pollens possessed malfunctioned exine. The results proposed that the abnormalities of pollen mother cell, the tapetum and the pollen exine, and more calcium precipitates in TGMR rice Peiai 64S under high temperature were related with the pollen abortion.
LIU Hai-yan , FENG Dong-ru , LIU Bing , HE Yan-ming , WANG Jin-fa , Wang Hongbin
2009, 17(3):218-222. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2143
Abstract:The effects of several factors on onion (Allium cepa L.) epidermal cells transformation were studied, including concentration of infection solution, infection time, parts of material and pre-treatment. The transformation system for onion epidermal cells mediated by Agrobacterium was established. The location of MpASR from Musa sapientum fused with GFP in onion epidermal cells was detected successfully.
LUO Ming-wu , DENG Liu-hong , YI Xiao-ping , ZENG Hui-cai , XIAO Su-sheng
2009, 17(3):223-228. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2170
Abstract:Cis-prenyltransferases is the key enzyme to rubber biosynthesis. A cDNA fragment which was highly homologous to the gene encoding cis-prenyltransferases was isolated by screening of a latex subtracted cDNA library. The latex subtracted cDNA library was constructed by suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH), in which the polyA+RNA of latex from Hevea brasiliensis served as tester, and polyA+RNA of leaves as driver. According to its sequences information, a novel full-length cDNA of 1 156 bp termed R363 (GenBank number: AY461414) was obtained by using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). R363 contained a 1 035 bp ORF, which encoded 290 amino acids with a theoretical molecular weight of 32.9 kD and an isoelectric point of 7.2. Hydropathy and transmembrane motif analysis of deduced amino acid sequences indicated that R363 possessed a signal peptide of 27 amino acids at its N-end. The result of the conserved domains analysis indicated that R363 contained five highly conserved regions as well as signature motif of undecaprenyl pyrophosphate sythetase family, which implied that R363 would be a cis-prenyltransferases gene. Furthermore, the transcripts of R363 were expressed predominantly in the latex as compared with leaves, and exerted no differences in latex with or without 2% ethylene pretreatment.
ZHANG Cui-xuan , YAN Jun , QIN Hai-bo , CHEN Guo-xiong , T.FAHIMA , Cheng Jianping
2009, 17(3):229-236. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2226
Abstract:he grain selenium (Se) contents of 110 genotypes of the tetraploid wild progenitor of wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) originating from 15 populations in Israel were detected by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS). The results showed that there were significant differences of grain Se content among populations by one way ANOVA (P≤0.001). Grain Se concentration (GSeC) and grain Se content among the 110 wild emmer wheat genotypes varied from 0.043 to 0.409 mg kg−1 and 0.008 to 0.125 mg seed-1, with the average of 0.180 mg kg−1 and 0.046 mg per seed, respectively. The highest genotypes of GSeC and grain Se content were TZ36 and TZ34, both derived from Bat-Shelomo population, while the lowest genotypes were TZ120 from Gamla and TZ8 from Mt. Hermon, respectively. The coefficient of variation of GSeC among populations also was obviously different, ranged from 9% (Bat-Shelomo) to 74% (Givat-Koach). According to Spearman’s Rho Correlation analysis, the GSeC had significant negative correlationships with altitude, mean annual rainfall, mean number of dry days in original area, and positive correlationships with mean annual temperature, mean temperature in August, mean temperature in January and soil types, respectively. The grain Se content had similar tendency of GSeC. These demonstrated that natural selection has created abundant phenotypes of grain Se content in this wild species, and would be used for identification of novel genotypes or genetic studies on wheat mineral nutrition.
CUI Wei-min , Yang Wei Dong , LIU Jie-sheng , LI Hong-ye
2009, 17(3):237-241. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2187
Abstract:The effects of temperature, pH and different divalent cations on the hemolysis induced by Karenia mikimotoi Hasen were studied, and the hemolytic properties were analyzed. The results showed that the hemolytic activity of K. mikimotoi was 64.69±6.43 HU L-1 and 6.17±0.61×10-6 HU cell-1. The hemolytic activity increased with the temperature enhanced at 0°C~37°C. pH had an obvious effect on the haemolytic activity, and there was the highest activity at pH 6.0. When the concentration was 5 mmol/L, the divalent cations such as Cu2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Co2+, Zn2+ and Hg2+ had different inhibition on the hemolysis, which Hg2+ was the strongest inhibitor. High concentration of Hg2+ induced a rapid and cooperative cell aggregation, and then prevent penetration of Hg2+ into the cells, which did not only avoid any haemolysis induced by the Hg2+ entrance, but also inhibited the destruction by the hemolytic toxin. However, this phenomenon could be eliminated by EDTA.
PANG Guo-cai , XIE Dong-li , CHEN Qing-xi , CHEN Wei , LONG Qiang
2009, 17(3):242-248. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2191
Abstract:The proteomes during development stages of flower bud and leaf bud in longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) were isolated and identified by using 2-DE technology and MS analysis. Ten proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF-TOF/MS, such as ATP synthase beta subunit, fructokinase, LHCII type I chlorophyll a/b binding protein, peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, 14-3-3 protein, 14-3-3 family protein, putative cytosolic cysteine synthase 7, retrotransposon protein, putative, Ty1-copia subclass, protein group similar to late embryogenesis abundant proteins. These proteins might involve in substance and energy metabolism, scavenging and anti-oxidation of free radical, signal transduction and basic metabolism, amino acid metabolism and other physiological processes.
CHEN Fang-qing , XIE Zong-qiang
2009, 17(3):249-253. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2168
Abstract:The responses of important physiological and biochemical parameters in Myricaria laxiflora were studied by simulated flooding. The results showed that M. laxiflora underwent dormancy during summer whether flooding or not. The contents of total soluble sugar and sucrose, and peroxidase (POD) activity increased under flooding, which had no significant difference with control. After summer flooding stress released, plants recovered growth quickly. The contents of total soluble sugar and sucrose, activities of POD and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) decreased to the normal level, which also had no significant difference between flooding and control. Transpiration rate and photosynthesis rate of submerged plants were higher markedly than those of control. It was concluded that the dormancy and the changes in physiological and biochemistry of M. laxiflora were an active adaptation to summer flooding.
ZHOU Jun , ZHAGN Mei , ZENG Song-jun , WU Kun-lin , CHEN Zhi-lin
2009, 17(3):254-260. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2116
Abstract:The rapid propagation system has been established for Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ‘Sunanda’ using leaves with petiole as explants. The results showed that the medium with different plant growth regulator had significantly different effects on callus morphology and differentiation capability. The optimum medium for inducing callus from the base of petioles was Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing TDZ 0.3 mg L-1 and NAA 0.1 mg L-1. The optimum explants was unfolded, light green leaves with length>0.5 cm. The subculture medium was MS supplemented with KT 1.0 mg L-1, and the induction rate was 65.9%. The adventitious bud could differentiate cultured on MS supplemented with 6-BA2.0 mg L-1 and NAA 0.1 mg L-1, and the differentiation rate was 87.4% in the first differentiation culture, and above 95% in the second. The half-strength MS medium supplemented with IBA 0.6 mg L-1 was optimum for inducing root and the rooting was up to 100 %. When plantlets with well-developed root system were transferred for 45 days, survival was up to 97%.
HUANG Lei , CHEN Zhi-lin , WU Kun-lin , DUAN Jun
2009, 17(3):261-266. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2103
Abstract:The leaves of Phalaenopsis amabilis were used as explants, cultured 1/2MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg L-1 α-naphthyl acetic acid (NAA), 1.0 mg L-1 thidiazuron (TDZ), 10% coconut milk (CM)(v/v) to induce PLB (protocorm-like body), the effects of cutting and explant size on PLB induction were studied. The results showed that the leaves were cut transversely or longitudinally twice, both induction rate and average PLB number per leaf increased significantly, and the time of PLB formation decreased significantly. The effect of cutting transversely was better than that of cutting longitudinally. When the leaves were divided transversely into three, six and twelve segments, respectively, the PLB induction rates increased significantly and the time of PLB formation decreased significantly compared to the control. The PLB induction rate of six-divided segments was significantly higher than that of the three- and twelve-divided segments. These results showed that cutting and explant size could affect PLB induction from leaves of P. anabilis significantly.
ZHONG Zhi-bo , LUO Shi-xiao , LI Ai-min , WU Xiao-qin , ZHANG Dian-xiang
2009, 17(3):267-274. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2222
Abstract:The floral morphology, sexual system, and pollination biology of Dunnia sinensis Tutch. Were studied. The stigma and anther heights, morphology of pollen grains and stigma, as well as the fruit set after artificial pollination were evaluated. The results showed that individuals of D. sinensis within a population exhibited two floral morphs, viz., long-styled (pin) and short-styled (thrum) morphs. Stigma and anther heights in long-styled flowers are 9.61±0.36 mm and 6.79±0.38 mm, while in the short-styled flowers are 6.11±0.56 mm and 8.96±0.59 mm respectively, exhibiting reciprocal herkogamy. No fruit was produced in treatments with self-pollination and intra-morph pollination, suggesting the occurrence of strong self and intra-morph incompatibility in the species. Ancillary dimorphisms were found in pollen and stigma of the two morphs: the pollen number in pin flowers is significantly smaller than in thrum flowers(38555.6±6258.4 vs. 52145.45±8924.5; t=4.009, P<0.01), the pollen size of pins is also significantly smaller (21.27±0.70 µm vs. 21.92±0.79 µm, t=3.890, P<0.01), although the ovule numbers of the two morphs are similar (38.73±1.85 vs. 39.1±2.25, t=-4.13, P>0.01, pin vs. thrum); while the stigma papillae is larger in long-styled flowers than in short-styled flowers. It was concluded that D. sinensis is a typically distylous species. Floral visitors and their behaviors were also observed, showing that bees (Bombus sp. and Xylocopa magnifica) and butterflies (Graphium sp.) were the main visitors and could efficiently pollinate between morphs in D. sinensis.
WANG Cui-cui , LIU Wen-zhe , ZHANG Ying
2009, 17(3):275-282. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2094
Abstract:The floral morphology and flowering characteristics in Camptotheca acuminata Decne were investigated. Breeding system was characterized by outcrossing index (OCI), pollen-ovule ratio (P/O), and the outcome of bag test and artificial pollination experiment. The results showed that the inflorescences of C. acuminata were cymes, each of which was composed of 4~6 capitula. Within a cyme, the 3~4 distal capitula were composed of hermaphroditic florets, while the 1~2 proximal capitula were composed of male florets. There were one pistil and ten stamens in each hermaphroditic floret. Each pistil possessed an inferior ovary containing an anatropous ovule. The male florets had normal stamens, but had no pistil. The pollen vigor in a capitulum reached its peak in the 2nd day after the pollen dispersal. The stigmatic receptivity reached its peak in 3rd and 4th days in the hermaphroditic florets. Stigma lost its receptivity completely on 6th day after it reflexed outward. C. acuminata was hemisynchronously dichogamous, and all florets of a capitulum bloomed synchronously. The male phase came first, in which the stamen matured. Then came the female phase, in which the pistil matured. The female phase of capitula in one order overlapped with the male phase of those in the next order in the same cyme. C. acuminata were outcrossing, partly self-compatible, and insect-assisted during the pollination.
YAN Li-chun , SHI Ji-pu , ZHU Hua , PENG Hua , LIU Yu-hong , WANG Hong
2009, 17(3):283-291. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2192
Abstract:Ailaoshan Nature Reserve is located in the centre Yunnan Plataeu (23°36′~24°56′N,100°44′~101°30′E) with area about 677 km2 and altitude from 422 to 3 165.9 m, and involve three prefectures and six counties of Yunnan Province. On the basis of more than 4 000 seed plants specimens collected at the core area of Ailaoshan Nature Reserve and other regions nearby and 10 000 information obtained from the main herbaria of China, the floristic characteristics of seed plants of Ailaoshan Nature Reserve were studied. There were 2 453 native species (including subspecies) of seed plants belonging to 199 families and 945 genera in Ailaoshan region. The flora was Subtropical in nature basically with transition from Tropical Asia to Temperate East Asia. At family level, 105 families, accounted for 70.47% of the total families were Tropical distribution. At generic level, Tropical elements contributed to 63.89% of the total flora. The flora was lack of typical Tropical elements, but had many East Asiatic families and genera. The flora belongs to the Yunnan Plateau Region of Sino-Himalayan Subkingdom, East Asiatic Kingdom in floristic regionalization.
YOU Shui-sheng , PENG Dong-hui , HU Ming-fang , YE Gong-fu
2009, 17(3):292-294. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2190
Abstract:Paphiopedilum Pfitz. of Orchidaceae was reported as a newly recorded genus from Fujian Province.
LI Lin , YE De-ping , LI Jian-wu , XING Fu-wu
2009, 17(3):295-297. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2151
Abstract:A newly recorded species of Orchidaceae from China, Bulbophyllum dayanum Rchb. f. is reported. It is distinguished from the others of section Sestochilos (Breda) Benth. & Hook. f. by its inflorescence with 2~5 flowers, sepals and petals with ciliate fringe of silky hairs at edges. Dendrobium menglaense X. H. Jin & H. Li is reduced to D. chrysocrepis Parish & Rchb. f. ex Hook. f. as a synonym, and characterized by solitary flowers with spoon-like lip which are borne on the flattened stem. Images and descriptions of the two species are provided.
ZHENG Fei-long , WANG Bin , LUO Yue-hua , WEI Xiao-yi
2009, 17(3):298-301. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2211
Abstract:A newly recorded species of Orchidaceae from China, Bulbophyllum dayanum Rchb. f. is reported. It is distinguished from the others of section Sestochilos (Breda) Benth. & Hook. f. by its inflorescence with 2~5 flowers, sepals and petals with ciliate fringe of silky hairs at edges. Dendrobium menglaense X. H. Jin & H. Li is reduced to D. chrysocrepis Parish & Rchb. f. ex Hook. f. as a synonym, and characterized by solitary flowers with spoon-like lip which are borne on the flattened stem. Images and descriptions of the two species are provided.
LI Hui , GAN Yu-juan , MEI Wen-li , ZHONG Hui-min , DAI Hao-fu
2009, 17(3):302-304. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2183
Abstract:Six compounds were isolated from the leaves of Antiaris toxicaria. On the basis of spectral data, they were identified as (3S,5R,6S,7E,9R)-3,6-dihydroxy-5,6-dihydro-β-ionol (1), (5R)-4,5-dihydroblumenol A (2), quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (3), narcissin (4), kaempferide-3-O-β-D-glucopyranosdie (5) and epoxyconiferyl alcohol (6). All the compounds were isolated from Antiaris toxicaria for the first time.
MEI Wen-li , LIN Feng , DAI Hao-fu
2009, 17(3):305-308. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2193
Abstract:The volatile oils were extracted from flowers and fruits of Aquilaria sinensis by solvent method and analyzed by GC-MS. Twenty-six compounds were identified from the volatile oils of flowers, accounting for 92.07% of the total volatile oil, and twenty-six compounds from the fruits, accounting for 93.66% of the total volatile oil. Eleven compounds were common in both of flowers and fruits. Fragrant constituents such as nonoic acid were also detected in both oils.
MA Qiu-xiang , XU Jia , QIAO Ai-min , ZHANG Peng
2009, 17(3):309-314. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2009.3.2162
Abstract:Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important food and bio-energy crop which mainly grows in marginal lands by subsistent farmers in tropics and Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important food and bio-energy crop which mainly grows in marginal lands by subsistent farmers in tropics and subtropics. Cassava contains great amount of starch in its storage roots, but it rapidly undergoes physiological deterioration after harvest, which greatly affects storage life and subsequent starch processing. The current research progresses in post-harvest physiological deterioration (PPD) of cassava were reviewed, including the evaluation methods and biochemical basis, the hybridization breeding efforts to improve cassava resistant to PPD, and genetic engineering mainly related to reactive oxygen species for PPD modification. The perspectives and problems of PPD engineering in cassava were discussed to provide useful information for genetic improvement to delay PPD of storage roots in cassava.
Editor in chief:黄宏文
International standard number:ISSN
Unified domestic issue:CN
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