Editor in chief:黄宏文
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PAN Xiao-xue , JIANG Hua-wu , YAN Hong-bo , LI Mei-ru , WU Guo-jiang
2008, 16(3):189-194. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1961
Abstract:Two distinct genes, OsAgpS1 and OsAgpS2, were found to encode ADP-Glucose pyrophosphorylase small subunit in rice (Oryaz sativa L.) genome. While OsAgpS1 gives rise to two different transcripts, OsAgpS1a and OsAgpS1b, through alternative splicing at the first exon. The expression patterns of the two transcripts in different tissues and developing endosperms in rice were analyzed by RT-PCR. On the other hand, the spatial regulation of OsAgpS1gene expression by using a reporter gene GUS driven by two different promoters upstream the two transcripts, respectively, were analyzed. The results showed that OsAgpS1a transcripts and the reporter gene GUS driven by the OsAgpS1a promoter had a similar expression pattern that abundantly expressed in endosperms but very low in leaves, whereas OsAgpS1b transcripts and the reporter gene GUS driven by the OsAgpS1b promoter own other similar expression pattern that expressed at a low level in leaves, roots and early development endosperms of rice. These results suggested that these two different transcripts of OsAgpS1 gene were driven by different promoters, and the promoter upstream OsAgpS1a could be used as an endosperm specific expression promoter in rice.
GAO Zheng-quan , MENG Chun-xiao , KONG De-xin
2008, 16(3):195-198. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1924
Abstract:By reconstruction of a phylogenetic tree, the phylogeny of IPP isomerase was studied. The results showed that different source IPP isomerase genes form monophyletic clade with 100% bootstrap support, and each clade had different evolution model. 9.8% amino acid sites of IPP isomerase derived from green algal endured positive selection by method of maximum likelihood rate, and the evolutionary pattern of IPP isomerase gene derived from green algal was different from those in higher plants and bacterium.
WANG Zhi-fei , MENG Ling , LI Bao-ping
2008, 16(3):199-204. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1911
Abstract:The competitive ability and growth characteristics of the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and the alien invasive weed (Eupatorium adenophorum) were studied by using de Wit replacement series method. The density, mixture proportion, and ryegrass-transplant time had significant effects on the aboveground biomass of E. adenophorum. The competitive ability of E. adenophorum was increased with postponing ryegrass-transplant, and planted at low density. The aboveground and belowground biomasses of L. perenne were significantly affected by density, mixture proportion, ryegrass-transplant time, and their interactions. The competitive ability of L. perenne was decreased with postponing ryegrass-transplant, and with density increasing. The results indicated that there were more interspecific competition of E. adenophorum experienced than that of L. perenne, while L. perenne had more intraspecific competition than interspecific competition when transplanted at the same with E. adenophorum, it indicated that L. perenne was a stronger competitor.
LIAO De-bao , BAI Kun-dong , CAO Kun-fang , JIANG De-bing
2008, 16(3):205-211. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1906
Abstract:The seasonal changes in photosynthetic characteristics of three deciduous broad-leaved species (Fagus lucida, Acer davidii, and Liquidambar acalycina) and four evergreen broad-leaved species (Castanopsis lamontii, Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon, Manglietia chingii, and Schima argentea) in Guangxi Mao’er Mountain were studied. Except of Acer davidii, there was not significant difference in maximum photosynthetic rate at saturating light (Pmax) between the deciduous and evergreen species, but maximum stomatal conductance at saturating light (Gmax) was higher in the deciduous species than the evergreen species in rainy season. However, in dry season, the decreases of Pmax and Gmax were greater in the deciduous species than the evergreen species, as accompanied by the larger increases in dark respiration rate and light compensation point in the former. The deciduous and evergreen species had slight difference in apparent quantum yield (AQY) and predawn maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm-predawn) in rainy season. However, in dry season, the deciduous species showed lower AQY and Fv/Fm-predawn than the evergreen species, suggesting that the deciduous species suffered greater photoinhibition. Furthermore, there was a significant linear relationship between P and G, and the evergreen species showed lower slope, indicating that the evergreen species had higher photosynthetic water use efficiency and this would help them to survive in dry and cold conditions. Also, the significant linear correlations of P with electron transport rate and leaf temperature were observed in both the deciduous and evergreen species, and the evergreen species exhibited lower slope; this indicates that the evergreen species could adjust the electron transport rate through alternative electron pathways to adapt to the wide range of seasonal temperatures. In conclusion, the results obtained here suggest that the deciduous species required relatively higher temperature and water supply than the evergreen species to meet the needs of photosynthesis; under dry and cold situations, it’s therefore unavoidable for them to suffer greater photoinhibition and shed their leaves finally, although the coordinated adjustments in stomata and photosystem II occurred in them. By contrast, the evergreen species could adapt to dry and cold stresses and maintain green leaves by promoting photosynthetic water use efficiency through stomatal control and dissipating excessive light energy via electron allocation.
YANG Xu , YANG Zhi-ling , ZUO Hui
2008, 16(3):212-218. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1852
Abstract:The field investigation was carried out in the communities, in which Lycoris radiata was distributed. The result showed as following: (1) Species composition of the communities and weed density were decreased by the growth of L. radiate. (2) Population density of Phytolacca acinosa, Athyrium frizellia and some species of Gramineae were rapidly decreased as well, which reduced the indecies of species diversity and increased the evenness of weed communities. (3) Indecies of Jaccard’s and Sorensen’s similarity of the communities, where L. radiata was distributed, were significantly different from those without L. radiata. All these indicated that L. radiata obviously changed the composition and structure of weed communities, and effectively controlled the growth of weeds.
SONG Li-li , JIANG Yue-ming , LI Chang-tao , LIU Hai , YOU Yan-li , YI Chun , XU Zhi-fang
2008, 16(3):219-224. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1907
Abstract:To well understand the role of energy in respiratory electron transport pathways during senescence of plant tissues, cut carnation flowers were treated with 0.1 mmol/L ATP or 0.5 mmol/L dinotrophenol (DNP) and then held at 25?1?C and 80%~90% relative humidity. A climacteric peak of respiration rate appeared at the 7th day of vase life. ATP treatment enhanced the respiration rate. Furthermore, a linear relationship existed between cytochrome respiration and total respiration. The contribution from the cytochrome respiration pathway to the total respiration increased after 4 days of vase holding, which indicated that the electron transport depended mainly on the cytochrome respiration pathway. Treatment with ATP increased the capacity, operative activity and operation coefficient of the alternative respiration pathway, and the ratio of the alternative respiration pathway to the total respiration increased after 4 days of vase holding with a significant linear relationship between the alternative respiration pathway capacity and the total respiration. DNP treatment reduced the alternative respiration pathway capacity. These results suggested that the addition of ATP to vase solution enhanced total respiration throughout the whole vase holding and increased the alternative respiration pathway capacity.
ZHU Dong-xing , SHEN Zong-gen , ZHANG Yun , WANG Qing , WU Zhen
2008, 16(3):225-229. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1930
Abstract:The effects of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatments on vase life and physiological changes of cut flowers of Lilium ‘Prato’ were studied. The results indicated that the respiratory pattern of ‘Prato’ lilybelonged to climacteric type. Treatmented with 30 nl L-1 1-MCP, the vase life of lily cut flower prolonged obviously by 2.15 days, full blooming increased by 0.43 days, and the flower diameter enlarged by 1.68 times (P<0.01). 1-MCP could effectively delay the appearance of respiratory peak and moisture decompensation in cut flowers, markedly decreased respiratory rate and relative cell membrane permeability. It was suggested that 30 nl L-1 1-MCP was suitable for fresh-keeping of ‘Prato’ lily.
LIN Jiang-bo , PAN Da-ren , PAN Shi-ming , LIN Yi-xin , WU Shui-jin
2008, 16(3):230-235. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1918
Abstract:The relationship between ten physiological and chemical indexes in leaves of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) and five quality characters of stalks were conducted by using method of canonical correlation analysis. The results indicated that at tillering stage, there were positive correlations between content of carotenoid and sucrose content in cane, content of total soluble sugar and water content in cane, content of total soluble sugar and reducing sugar in juice, respectively. At early elongating stage, there were positive correlations between contents of chlorophyll, activity of catalase and sucrose contents in cane, content of soluble protein and content of cane fibre, respectively. At middle elongating stage, there were positive correlations between activity of Mg2+-ATPase and cane fibre, content of soluble sugar and sucrose content in cane, respectively, but there was negative correlation between carbon-nitrogen ratio (C/N) and water content in cane. At the maturing stage, there was positive correlation between content of carotenoid and sucrose contents in cane, and negative correlation between contents of soluble sugar and reducing sugar in juice.
CHEN Fa-xing , LIU Xing-hui , CHEN Li-song
2008, 16(3):236-243. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1915
Abstract:Organic acids from the ripe pulp of 18 loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) cultivars (‘Xiaomaopipa’, ‘Jiajiao’, ‘Zhuonan 1’, ‘Jiefangzhong’, ‘Fuyang’, ‘Moriowase’, ‘Huabao 2’, ‘Xiangzhong 10’, ‘Baihua’, ‘Toi’, ‘Duobao 2’, ‘Wugongbai’, ‘Luoyangchin’, ‘Mogi’, ‘Zaozhong 6’, ‘Baili’, ‘Tantou 4’, ‘Changhong 3’) and their distribution in the ripe fruit of 2 cultivars (‘Jiefangzhong’ and ‘Zaozhong 6’) were determined by high-performance ion-exchange chromatography (HPIC). Eight organic acids (malic, quinic, citric, iso-citric, α-ketoglutaric, fumaric, oxaloacetic and tartaric acids) were identified in ripe pulp, while trace quantities of ferulic, cis-aconitic and β-coumaric acids were identified in several cultivars. The predominant organic acid of ripe pulp of most cultivars was malic acid, with an average content of 4 399 mg kg-1 FW for all cultivars, accounting for 62.7% to the total acids. Quinic acid was the second in abundance, with an average content of 2 042 mg kg-1 FW, accounting for 29.1% to the total acids. Other acids ranged from trace to 3.0% of the total acids. Considerable variations in titratable acidity and organic acid content exist among cultivars. Based on titratable acidity, 18 cultivars could be separated into 5 groups by clustering analysis: very high acidity (‘Xiaomaopipa’), high acidity (‘Jiajiao’, ‘Zhuonan 1’, ‘Jiefangzhong’ and ‘Fuyang’), medium acidity (‘Moriowase’, ‘Huabao 2’, ‘Xiangzhong 10’, ‘Baihua’, ‘Toi’, ‘Duobao 2’), low acidity (‘Wugongbai’, ‘Luoyangchin’, ‘Mogi’ and ‘Zaozhong 6’), and very low acidity (‘Baili’, ‘Tantou 4’ and ‘Changhong 3’). No significant difference was found in the absolute amounts of total acids and titratable acidity between pulp and skins, while the amounts of total acids and titratable acidity in seeds was far lower than those in pulp and skins. The major organic acids identified in skins and seeds were malic and quinic acids. In skins, the content of malic acid was far higher than quinic acid, but in seeds it was slightly lower than quinic acid. In addition, malic acid and quinic acid content in seeds was far lower than those in pulp and skins.
Yang Xiu Wei , ZHANG Hu , HU Jun
2008, 16(3):244-248. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1947
Abstract:Eight compounds, rutaecarpine (1), evodiamine (2), 7β-hydroxyrutaecarpine (3), N14-formyl dihydrorutaecarpine (4), dehydroevodiamine (5), wuchuyuamide-I (6), daucosterol (7) and hyperoside (8) were isolated from ethanolic extract of the dried and near ripe fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth. var. bodinieri (Dode) Huang. Their chemical structures were determined on the basis of spectroscopic evidence (IR, UV, MS, 1D and 2D NMR) and comparison of their spectral data with those of the literatures. Compounds 3, 4, 6~8 were isolated from the titled plants for the first time.
ZHANG Ling-xian , LIU Bao-dong , TAN Long-yun
2008, 16(3):249-254. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1926
Abstract:The spore propagations of Microlepia strigosa (Thunb.) Presl and M. platyphylla (D. Don) J. Sm. with leaf mould substrate were studied. The process of their spore germination and gametophyte development were observed and photoed by microscope. The results indicate that both of them have similar behaviors in spore germination and gametophyte development, i.e. having spore homospory, trilete, growing slow. The spore germination need light and is of the Vittaria-type. The gametophyte slowly and is of the Adiantum-type. The prothallia are cordate or other shapes with no trichome, most of the adult gametophytes are dioecious, sex organs are of the Leptosporangiate-type. They have not only lots of primordial behaviors but also some evolutionistic behaviors. The characters of gametophyte and the place of phylogenesis of M. platyphylla are more primordial than that of M. strigosa. It is the first time to be observed that the chloroplasts gather in cell of gametophyte of M. platyphylla when the cell dies down, the polygonal chloroplasts are lying as a tessellation in cell of prothallium of M. strigosa when the cell break down, and some chloroplasts are lying like a chain in some cells of gametophyte of M. strigosa.
WANG Yu-bing , ZHAO Ze-hong , PENG Ding-ren , TAN Wei-fu , LI De-qiu , FENG Guo-wen
2008, 16(3):255-265. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1865
Abstract:There are 412 species of aquatic vascular plants belonging to 163 genera in 63 families, including pteridophytes (13 species, 6 genera and 6 families) and spermatophytes (399 species, 57 families and 157 genera) in wetland of Guangxi Province. All these species can be divided into 5 types (i.e. hygrophyte, hyperhydate, ephydate, pleustophyte, hyphydate) according to the morphological forms and ecological forms. The floristic elements of aquatic vascular plants in wetland of Guangxi are very complex. At the generic level, ninty-three tropical genera account for 78.14% of the total genera and twenty-five temperate ones account for 21.01%. At the species level, tropical and temperate elements contributed 53.73% and 30.15% of the total species, respectively. It is characterized by tropical. This phenomenon is caused by the broad latitudes and diversified habitats in Guangxi. Comopolition genera and species have 44 genera and 77 species, accounts for 26.99% and 18.69% of total genera and species, respectively. They are main components or key genera (species) in wetland vegetation. The endemism is scarce. Furthermore, threatened species and invasive species are also discussed.
2008, 16(3):266-270. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.2064
Abstract:Endemism describes species or taxa at higher level that are native to a particular geographical area or continent. It is one of the most important characteristics in a floristic study. The circumscription of plant genera endemic to China from the hinterland of China is rather stable. But as for the taxa distributed in Yunnan, especially those reached the national boundary, their endemism to China is questionable and need to be carefully recognized according to updated distribution data. The change of distribution for Craspedolobium schochii is a good example. It was recognized as one genus endemic to China previously. However, according to recent investigations, the distribution of this species is extended southwards to the centers of Laos and Thailand. Some genera in such cases were temporarily recognized as endemic to China because of no distribution data available from neighboring countries. The endemism of such Chinese plants is not unchangeable when new distribution data are available. Therefore, it is of great necessity to strengthen the cooperation with the neighboring countries for further investigations on the vegetation and flora in these regions.
2008, 16(3):271-273. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1998
Abstract:The widely used name Litsea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia (Nees) Allen has been considered to be based on Iozoste rotundifolia var. oblongifolia Nees. This nomenclatural investigation, however, suggested that the basionym of Litsea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia is Actinodaphne chinensis var. oblongifolia Nees though Actinodaphne chinensis Nees is a superfluous name when published.
Xuweibin , GAO Hai-shan , LIU Yan
2008, 16(3):274-276. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1974
Abstract:A new species of Gesneriaceae, Lagarosolen jingxiensis Yan Liu, H. S. Gao & W. B. Xu, from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to L. hispidus W. T. Wang, but differs in its leaf margin crenate, bracts linear or narrowly lanceolate, filaments 6~7 mm long, corolla lobes ovate, with 2 pale yellow stripes inside. It was only found in several karst caves in Jingxi County, Guangxi.
chenxiangbo , ZHANG Li-ping , WANG Wei , TIAN Qi , ZHANG Qi-xiang
2008, 16(3):277-278. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1982
Abstract:Sinocalycanthus chinensis Cheng et S. Y. Chang was reported as a new record in Anhui Province, the specimen was stored in Herbarium of Chenshan Botanical Garden (BCBG), Shanghai.
Li Dongxiao , Yang Xiaobo , Zhang Guoguang , Chang Jingling , Chen Liang
2008, 16(3):279-282. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1972
Abstract:An efficient method of callus induction and plant regeneration of Cuscuta chinensis was established. The seedlings germinated for 3~5 d and about 3~5 cm length were selected as explants, and then divided into three parts, upper, middle and lower. Callus were inducted from upper or middle parts of seedlings on a modified Murashige and Skoog (MMS) medium supplemented with 1 mg L-1 NAA and 1 mg L-1 BA. The calli have been subcultured on such medium for over a year. Shoot regeneration from callus was achieved on MMS medium containing 1 mg L-1 BA and could obtain 2.8 shoots per callus.
2008, 16(3):283-288. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2008.3.1956
Abstract:Orchidaceous mycorrhizae which mainly parasitizes on orchid seeds and root systems is one kind of endomycorrhizae. The recent advances in the taxonomy of orchidaceous mycorrhizal fungi and diversities of fungal resources were reviewed, and morphology of orchid mycorrhizae as well as their effects on orchid plants were discussed. The recent studies showed that most orchid mycorrhizae belong to Basidiomycota and Deuteromycotina fungi, and some belong to Ascomycota. There are two modes for the formation of orchid mycorrhizae, one is the infection of orchid seeds and the other is the infection of orchid radicles. Orchid mycorrhizae has certain impacts on germination of orchid seeds and growth of orchid seedlings.
Editor in chief:黄宏文
International standard number:ISSN
Unified domestic issue:CN
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