Editor in chief:黄宏文
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Liu Yuhu , Zhou Renzhang , Zeng Qingwen
1997, 5(2):1-12. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.001
Abstract:Eleven genera with 125 taxa, inciuding species, subspecies, varieties and hybrids of Magnoliaceae have been introduced and planted by method of ex situ conservation in South China Botanicai Garden, Guangzhou. Of the taxa conserved, 113 species originate from China, 12 species are from abroad, among them 29 species belong to the rare and endangered plants which are included in the first and second lists of protected plants of China. Thus, a great gene pool of Magnoliaceae has been set up. The introduction and ex situ conservation of Magnoliaceae species are basical1y successful. The great majority of the species from the tropics and subtropics grow well, and the species from the zone at ±10 degrees along the Tropic of Cancer grow best, but the species which originate from temperate zone or high altitude regions in the subtropics are unhealthy. A list of ex situ conservation of Magnoliaceae plants with the growth situation is given.
1997, 5(2):13-15. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.002
Abstract:Based on the study of Gentianaceae specimens from South China, Canscora andrographioides auct. non Griff. ex Clarke (Flora Hainanica 3:432, 1974) is corrected to be Centaurium pulchellum (Swartz) Druce var. altaicum (Griseb.) Kitag'.et Hara, and Swertia angustifolia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don var. pulchella (D. Don) Burk. is regarded.as a new synonym of S. angustifolia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. Five new records, viz. Gentiana moniliformis Marq., G. panthaica Prain et Burk., Swertia shinenensis Hayata, Tripterospermum cordatum (Marq.) H. Smith and T.lanceolatum (Hayata) Hara et Satake, are reported in this paper.
Zhao Yunlin , Chang Hungta , Zuo Jiafu , Peng Daiwen
1997, 5(2):16-22. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.003
Abstract:The region bordering on Hunan, Guizhou and Guangxi Provinccs (HGG) is located in southwest of Hunan, southeast of Guizhou, north and northeast of Guangxi at latitude from 24° 37' to 26° 40'N and longitude from 107° 52' to 111° 34' E, covering a total area of 70418 km2. Quantitative studics on thc relationship between the HGG flora and the neighbouring floras were made. The results showed that the similarity coeffcients of spermatophyte floras between HGG and neighbouring floras were in order from high to low: Nanling, C. China, E. China, YGG (region bordering on Yunnan, Guizhou andGuangxi Provinces), and Lingnan (south area from the Nanling Mountain) at family level, and E. China, Nanling, YGG, Lingnan and C. China at genus level, while the similarity coeffcientof species was in order Lingnan, YGG, C. China, E. China, and Nanling. The differencesin sequence of similarity coeffcients at family, genus and species levels might be caused by (1) the size of area was different in various comparative regions, and the equivalent area transformation was not calculated, (2) species investigation in various comparative re-gions was not accurate and identical; and (3) similarity coefficients in different taxa for explaining floristic relationship were not alike, which might be an important reason. Family and genus compositions in various comparative regions were obviously different, therefore, the similarity coefflcient at species level could better exhibit floristic relations among floras compared. In terms of geographical elements of genera, the floristic relations between C. China and E. China, Lingnan and YGG were close, while HGG was closely related to Nanling. Dendrogram of geographical elements of genera indicated that close relation occured between HGG and Nanling floras, and the relation of HGG to Lingnan and YGG floras was closer than that to C. China and E. China. The results obtained by geographical elements of genera differed obviously from those by similarity coefficients of family, genus, especially species, the reason of which was that the minimum spanning tree and dendrogram explained only the quantitative relation of geographical elements of genera between floras instead of similarity of other taxa between floras,
Zhuang Weijian , Lin Zhiliang , Zheng Shenkun
1997, 5(2):23-25. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.004
Abstract:The chromosome numbers and morphology in four cultivars of Siraitia grosvenorii (Swingle) C. Jeffrey ex Lu et Z. Y. Zhang were observed with root tips and tissue culture materials. The results show that the chromosome number is 2n= 28. The chromosomes are relatively small, less than 1.4 μm, and the morphology of which in different cultivars are distinctive from each other. The ratios of the longest chromosome to the shortest among the four cultivars range from 2.00 to 2.46. The subordination of Siraitia grosvenorii to the genus is discussed.
Lin Yiming , Li Zhenji , Yang Zhiwei , Lin Peng , Liu Chudian , He Jianyuan
1997, 5(2):26-32. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.005
Abstract:The accumulation and biological cycle of N and P nutrients in Pinus taiwanensiscommunity in Wuyi mountains, Fujian Province, were studied. The results were as follows: 1) The amounts of N and P in the standing crop of this community were 925.844 kg hm2 and 45.981 kg hm-2, respectively, in which the amounts of the two nutrients in the above- ground biomass were 719.438 kg hm2 for N and 35.534 kg hm2 for P, and in the underground biomass were 206.406 kg hm2 for N and 10.447 kg hm2 for P. 2) In biological cycle of N and P of this stand, the annual vegetation mineral uptakes amounted to 65.344 kg hm2 and 2.627 kg hm-2, respectively. The retention of N and P were 37.019 kg hm2 and 1.695 kg hm-2, and their return being 28.325 kg hm2 and 0.932 kg hm-2, respectively. 3) The enrichment ratios of both N (1.324) and P (1.083) were larger than l, demonstrating the two nutrients being continuously accumulated in the community.
Song Bin , Ouyang Yousheng , Hu Yanxing
1997, 5(2):33-40. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.006
Abstract:A short review of the studies on Meliolaceae is given. Thirtyedight taxa in two genera of Meliolaceae from China are reported, of which two species are described as new, and thirty-six are new records for China. The two new species are Meliola pentaPhylis B. Song et Y. X. Hu and Meliola schoepfiae B. Song et Y. X. Hu which parasitize on Pentaphylax euryoides Gard. et Champ. (Pentaphylaceae) and Schoepfia chinensis Gard. Et Champ. (Olacaceae), respectively. Host and distribution of each. taxon are given under the fungus name. All specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of Guangdong Institute of Microbiology (HMIGD), Guangzhou, unless otherwise noted.
Ouyang Yousheng , Song Bin , Hu Yanxing
1997, 5(2):41-46. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.007
Abstract:A review is given for the 29 species of sooty moulds belonging to Asbolisiaceae, Asterinaceae Capnodiaceae, Chaetothyriaceae and Metacapnodiaceae from Guangdong Pro-vince, China. Among them 23 species are newly recorded from China, which are preceded by an asterisk. Hosts and distribution are provided under each species. All specimens are kept in Guangdong Institute of Microbiology. The concept of the classification of sooty moulds is discussed.
Yang Feng , Pan Chaomei , Wang Deqiong , Li Youju , Wei Chaofen
1997, 5(2):47-53. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.008
Abstract:An isolate from nodules of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) was tested on different varieties of garden pea in various soil types. Effective nodules were produced by the nitragin prepared from the isolated nodule bacteria. The bacterial strain isolated was a strain of Rhizobium sp., and was effeCtive on many varieties of garden pea in different types of soil environment in Guangdong Province. The nodulation rate reached 100% in pot experiment, and above 90% in field Plots. After being inoculated with the bacterial strain, the garden pea grew more strongly and healthy with more branches, more effective flowers, and increased the number of pods with high quality. The application of this nitragin to the garden pea in the field increased pod yield by 14%.
Zhang Donglin , Chen Fang , Liu Shuxian , Li Yuebiao , Jiang Yueming , Guo Junyan , Peter C. Quantick , Peter J. Warren
1997, 5(2):54-60. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.009
Abstract:A common litchi cultivar Huaizhi was used to investigate how the application of Pro-long coating affects the browning of litchi peel and relevant enzymes during 4 t storage. The Hunter L and b values in both the control and treated fruits decreased continuously with storage time, indicating that the peel became darker and had less yellow characteristics. The Hunter L and b values in the control decreased faster than those in treated fruits. The Hunter a values ifl both the control and treated fruits were relatively stable during the first 20 days of storage and then significantly decreased during the remaining days, implying that stored litchi fruits maintained basically red characteristics during the first 20 days of storage and then became less red, corresponding to the changes in contents of anthocyanin, flavonoid and total phenolics. Hunter a values in the control decreased faster than those in treated fruits after the 21st day of storage. These correspond to a visible change to a dark red and brown during storage and changes in polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD), which indicate that polyphenol oxidase plays a definitive role in postharvest browning, and peroxidase is partially involved in the browning process. The increase in POD activities of treated fruits was slower than that of the control, and the peaks in PPO activities of treated fruits were delayed slightly compared to that of the control. There was no significant difference between 1.5% and 2.5% Pro-long treatments. Therefore, we suggest that the application of Pro-long coating to litchi fruits partially inhibits PPO and POD activities, and influences the breakdown of anthocyanin and the changes in contents of flavonoid and total phenolics, thereby delaying browning progress.
Sun Guchou , Lin Zhifang , Lin Guizhu , Liang Chengye
1997, 5(2):61-67. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.010
Abstract:The content of soluble protein in panicle of Hubei photoperiod sensitive genic male-sterile rice, Nongken 58S, was neariy the same in both fertile and sterile plants at the stage of first panicle branch differentiation. Soluble protein contents in fertile plant at the stage of pistil and stamen formation and the stage of pollen mother cell differentiation were higher than those in the sterile one by 21% and 12.3%, respectively. Higher soluble protein content occurred at binucleate and trinucleate stages for the fertile plant. The activity of azocasein protease increased rapidly at the stage of pistil and stamen formation in male-sterile plant, whereas this process was not present in fertile plant until binucleate stage. Male-sterile plant had lower endopeptidase activity at the stage of second panicle branch differentiation, and higher activity of this enzyme appeared at other stages as compared with the fertile plant. The endopeptidase patterns changed with the fertility. Higher aminopeptidase was observed in the fertile plant of rice.
1997, 5(2):68-73. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.011
Abstract:Some enzyme activities of carbon metabolism in leaves of two rice hybrid progenies and their parents were compared. The rice hybrids used were Qingyou 159 [from Qing A and R159 ] and Guangyou No.4 [from Guang A (Y ) and Qingliuai ]. It was found that the activity of RuBPCase, and the RuBPCase/RuBPOase ratio in both hybrids were higher than those ifl their own parents. The activities,of glycolate oxidase and RuBPOase, the photorespiration(Pr) and Pr/Pn ratio in both rice hybrids were Iower than those in their respective parents. Statistical analysis showed that.the photosynthetic rates (Pn) were in postive correlation with RuBPCase activity (r=0.768), and in negative correlation with the aCtivity of glycolate oxidase (r=-0.834). Both correlation coeffcients were significantly different at p=0.05 levels.
Mei Jianfeng , Xu Oiusheng , Liang Chengye , Chen Baoyuan , Chen Jiantong
1997, 5(2):74-79. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.012
Abstract:Cytochemical technique for staining lipids, polysaccharides and proteins in the same section from the tissue embedded in Epon 812 was used to observe the anther and ndcrospore development of photo-/thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile rice Nongken 58S (NK58S) and W6154S. The results are as follows. Under fertile condition, the development of the microspore and anther wall of NK58S was not different from that of W6154S. During the microsporocyte stage, there were some polysaccharide grains in the middle layer and endothecium, but not in tapetal cells. The tapetum was easily staincd with Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB). As the microsporocyte went into mciosis, a few polysaccharide grains were present in anther wall. The tapetum was stained actively with Schiff reagent instead of with CBB. Lipid bodies were observed in ma- ture pollen of both NK58S and W6154S. Under abortive condition, although the distribution of polysaccharide grains in anther wall and the staining reaction in tapetum were the same as they were under fertile condition until the separation of uninucleate dricrospore from tetrad, there existed some differences between NK58S and W6154S concerning the whole process of anther and microspore development. Abortion occurred in NK58S earlier than that in W6154S. Even before meiosis, the ndcrosporocyte of NK58S had shown anomalous shape or adhering to the tapetum. At the stage of pollen maturation, the anther wall of W6154S degenerated more thoroughly and consisted of only epidermis and endothecium, however, that of NK58S consisted of epidermis, middle layer and endothecium.
Oi Shuyuan , Lin Lidong , Liang Shizhong , Gao Jianhua , Gao Kongrong
1997, 5(2):80-84. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.1997.2.013
Abstract:A 10-litre airlift loop bioreactor was tested for cell suspension culture of Lithospermum eqthrorhizon, the procedure of which was divided in two steps. In the first 14 days, the cells were cultured with modified B5 medium, the cell increment being 4 times as compared with the 2.5 g L-1 of inoculating cells (dwt). In latter 20 days, the cells were cul- tured with modified M9 medium, in which the amount of cells increased again 3.2 times as compared with that at the end of culture in this medium, and 0.6 g of shikonin derivatives per litre of medium can be obtained in a culture cycle. The pH in modified B5growth medium rose with cell increasing in bioreactor. The change in pH of B5 medium had positive relation to the amount of cell growth. On the contrary, pH in M9medium declined with the timeroourse of the formation of shikonin derivatives, which had a negative relation between pH and shikonin formation. It is suggested that the property of cell growth and the formationof shikonin derivatives could be detected by the pH level in the medium of cell suspension cultures in bioreactor.
Editor in chief:黄宏文
International standard number:ISSN
Unified domestic issue:CN
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