Abstract:The effects of sucrose, boron and calcium on the germination of Rhyncholaeliocattleya Sung Ya Green ‘Green World’ pollen were studied by orthogonal design experiment. The results showed that the optimum culture medium for pollen germination was 100 g L-1 sucrose+40 mg L-1 H3BO3 +150 mg L-1 CaCl2. Different storage methods had different effects on pollen viability of ‘Green World’. The pollen germination rate was only 3.5% humid stored under 4℃ for 30 days. However, after dry stored in 4℃, freeze-wetting and freeze-drying stored in-20℃ for 720 days, respectively, the pollen germination rate still maintained at high level, reaching up to above 32.5%, and there was not effect on seed setting. The best time for pollination was 0-8 days after flowering and the pollinium had high vitality during whole florescence.