Abstract:Genetic variation of gliadin from endosperm were examined of 40 individuals of Pinus thunbergiipopulation in an area of 7.1 hm2 Fuqing natural forest in Fujian Province. Forty patterns of gliadin diversity and 9 loci were obtained by using polycrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results indicate that the proportion ofpolymorphic loci (P) was 55.56, mean number of alleles per locus (A) was 3.00, mean effective number of alleles per locus (Ae) was 2.28, mean expected proportion of heterozygous loci (He) was 0.533, mean observed proportion of heterozygous loci (Ho) was 0.402,and the fixation index (F) 0.246>0.The population exhibits high genetic diversity,which deviates from Hardy-Weinberg’s equilibrium law.This is probably due to sampling error,or unevenness of stand or poor growth of the individuals, resulting in ineficiency of radom mating and genetic drift.