Abstract:The impacts of the concentrations of template DNA, primer, magnesium, dNTPand Taq DNA polymerase on RAPD amplification for Camellia were tested by means ofladder analysis. The results showed that RAPD band patterns were changed observablywith the variation of concentrations of template DNA or primer or Taq DNA polymerase,and there was a positive interrelation between the both within a limited range, but littleimpact was generated by the concentrations of 1.0-4.0 mmol/L MgCl2 or 100-400 μmol/LdNTP on RAPD band patterns The optimal amplification conditions for Camellia were chosen as follows:4 ng template DNA/μl reaction volume,15 ng primer/20 μl reaction volume,2.0 mmol/L MgCl2,200/μmol/L dNTP.1 U Taq DNA polymerse/20 μl reaction volume.