Abstract:Curcuma albicoma S. Q. Tong and C. chuanyujin C. K. Hsieh et H. Zhang arereduced to synonyms of C. sichuanensis X. X. Chen and C. kwangsiensis S. G. Lee et C. F.Liang, respectively. Curcuma phaeocaulis Val. was misidentified as C. zedoarea (Christm.)Rose., C. caesia Roxb. and C. aeruginosa Roxb. in China. Curcuma elata sensu X. X. Chenis C wenyujin, and C kwangsiensis var. puberula Y. H. Chen and C kwangsiensis var. affinisY. H. Chen are not to be recognized, while C. viridiflora Roxb. in F1. Taiwan remains suspicious. A key of 12 species of curcuma in China is given.