Abstract:Three hybrid rice combinations, with resistance, susceptibility and hypersensitivity to bacterial blight of rice,namely V6(R),U1/312(S)and S63(HS),were inoculated with Xanthomonas oryzea pv.oryzea 76-25 strain with strong virulence at the three-leaf stage,the uninoculated plants were used as control.The leaves were taken for biochemical analysis after 72 h of inoculation.The results showed that both PAL and POX activities were increased,while the SOD activities were decreased and the MDA content was increased.The changes of all above indexes of resistant combination V6 were more significant than that of susceptiblecombinations U1/312 and S63. However,the decrease of soluble protein content in the leaves of U1/312 and S63 were more significant than that of V6.