卷萼兜兰(Paphiopedilum appletonianum)是国家一级保护濒危物种,为掌握其野生种群现状,推进对野生种群的保护,该研究对分布于海南南高岭和霸王岭的2个较大种群进行野外调查, 通过点格局方法分析种群分布格局;通过编制静态生命表、存活曲线分析、生存分析、种群繁殖策略分析和生殖力表分析种群数量动态特征。结果表明,2个种群随尺度的变大, 分布格局从聚集分布向随机和均匀分布变化;而霸王岭种群不同尺度上主要为聚集分布,南高岭种群主要为随机和均匀分布。2个种群的年龄结构为金字塔形,存活曲线为Deevey-II型,且随着年龄级增大,种群逐渐呈现衰退的趋势。卷萼兜兰存在有性繁殖和无性繁殖2种繁殖策略,霸王岭种群无性繁殖能力更强,南高岭种群有性繁殖能力更强。霸王岭种群为增长型种群,南高岭种群为缓慢负增长型种群。
Paphiopedilum appletonianum is an endangered and class I protected orchid. In order to understand the status of its wild population and promote the protection of wild population, two large populations distributed in Nangaoling and Bawangling in Hainan were investigated in the field. The population distribution pattern was analyzed by point pattern method, and the population dynamic characteristics was analyzed through static life table, survival curve analysis, survival analysis, population reproduction strategy analysis and fertility table. The results showed that the distribution pattern of the two populations changed from aggregation to random and uniform distribution as the scale increased. The Bawangling population was mainly clustered at different scales, while the Nangaoling population was mainly random and even distributed. The age structure of the two populations was pyramid shape, and the survival curve was Deevey-II type, showing a decline trend with the increase of age class. There were two reproductive strategies: sexual reproduction and clone reproduction, and the asexual reproduction of Bawangling population was stronger, and the sexual reproduction of Nangaoling population was stronger. Therefore, Bawangling population was a growing population, while Nangaoling population was a slow negative increasing population.