

Genetic Variation of Seedling Growth of Litsea cubeba from Different Provenances/families
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    为筛选苗期表现优良的山鸡椒[Litsea cubeba(Lour.) Pers.]种源/家系,对其13个种源55个家系的苗高(h)、地径(bd)性状进行遗传变异分析。结果表明,山鸡椒1年生苗木生长期可分为生长初期、速生期和完全木质化期,苗高、地径生长不同步。山鸡椒不同种源、家系间的苗高、地径生长量均存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。利用综合选择指数法建立综合选择式为I=0.007Xh+0.74Xbd,建阳2号、富阳1号、遂昌8号、遂昌13号和岳西1号等5个家系优良度为I级,入选率为9.1%。浙江富阳和福建建阳2个种源的苗高、胸径期望遗传增益值最高;建阳2号、遂昌8号、富阳1号、遂昌13号、岳西1号、建阳3号、岳西6号等7个家系的苗高、胸径期望遗传增益最高。因此,依据生长性状综合选择和遗传增益表现,选择出建阳2号、富阳1号、遂昌8号,遂昌13号,岳西1号5个家系以及浙江富阳和福建建阳2个种源为优良家系/种源。


    In order to select the superior provenances/families of Litsea cubeba at seedling stage, the genetic variations of seedling height (h) and base diameter (bd) of 13 provenances and 55 families were studied. The results showed that the growth period of 1-year-old seedings of L. cubeba could be divided into three stages, including initial growing stage, fast growing stage and full lignification stage. The growth peak of base diameter was earlier than that of seedling height. The increment of seedling height and ground diameter were different significantly among 13 provenances and 55 families (P<0.01). Through comprehensive selection index method, the comprehensive selection formula was established as I=0.007Xh+0.74Xbd. The five families, including Jianyang 2, Fuyang1, Suichuan 8, Suichuan 13 and Anhui 1, were selected as level I with a selection rate of 9.1%. The expected genetic gains of seedling height and ground diameter of Zhejiang Fuyang and Fujian Jitneying provenances were the highest. Meanwhile, those of seven families, including Jianyang 2, Suichuan 8, Fuyang 1, Suichuan 13, Anhui 1, Jianyang 3, Anhui 6 were the highest. Therefore, based on multi-trait comprehensive selection and genetic gain values, the five families (Jianyang 2, Fuyang1, Suichuan 8, Suichuan 13 and Anhui 1) and two provenances (Zhejiang Fuyang and Fujian Jianyang) were evaluated as superior provenances/families.

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