


国家"863"高技术研究发展计划(2013AA102705); 国家自然科学基金项目(31400554); 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专 项(RITFYWZX201304)资助

Bioinformatics Analysis of AGO Gene Family in Eucalyptus grandis Genome

Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,510520

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    为了解巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis)中Argonaute (AGO)的功能, 经全基因组序列分析, 巨桉中存在14 个AGO基因家族成员, 基因长度为2676~3225 bp, 编码的蛋白质具有保守的Piwi、PAZ、DUF1785 结构域。巨桉EgrAGOs 基因可分为3 组, 内含子和外显子结构具有明显的组织特异性。组内成员核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列保守性较高, 同源性分别达到88.14% 和82.97%。EgrAGO基因分布于第2、4、7、8、10、11 条染色体上, 在进化过程中存在着串联复制和大片段基因复制机制。预测巨桉的大部分AGO 蛋白定位于细胞核和胞质中, 表现出偏碱性和亲水性, 具有较高的脂溶指数。基因表达分析表明, 桉树EgrAGO成员在不同组织中的表达有明显差异, 与木材形成相关的组织/ 器官中有较高的表达。这些为深入研究EgrAGO基因的功能奠定了基础。


    In order to understand the function of Argonaute (AGO) in Eucalyptus grandis, the phylogeny, gene structure and expression pattern of EgrAGO were analyzed in genome-wide. The results showed that there were 14 EgrAGOs in E. grandis, which length ranged from 2676 to 3225 bp and EgrAGOs contain Piwi, PAZ and DUF1785 domains. EgrAGO genes could be divided into 3 clades, and intron and exon structures had obvious tissue specificity. The nucleotide sequence of EgrAGO and encoding amino acid sequence in each clade had homologies for 88.14% and 82.97%, respectively. Meanwhile, EgrAGO genes distribute in 2, 4, 7, 8, 10 and 11 chromosomes with tandem duplication and segmental duplication in the process of evolution. Most of EgrAGO proteins localize in nucleus and cytoplasm, showing basicity, hydrophilia and high aliphatic index. Furthermore, the expression of EgrAGOs in different tissues had significant differences, and which was high in tissues or organs related with wood forming. So, these would lay a fundation for studying EgrAGO genes function in future.

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  • 收稿日期:2014-10-09
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  • 在线发布日期: 2015-07-15