



Diversity Analysis of Morphology and Main Agronomic Traits in Chewing Cane

Research Institute of sugarcane, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Research Institute of sugarcane, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Research Institute of sugarcane, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Research Institute of sugarcane, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

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    为开发利用地方果蔗(Saccharum officinarum)的种质资源, 对42 份地方果蔗种质资源18 个质量性状的遗传多样性进行研究, 并对其农艺性状进行了聚类分析。结果表明, 各质量性状的遗传多样性指数均较大, 以曝光后节间颜色(2.074)和芽形状(2.011)的最高, 其次是叶鞘毛群、芽位、曝光前节间颜色、节间形状, 多样性指数为1.428~1.6153;再次为叶姿、蜡粉带、内叶耳形状, 多样性指数为1.1918~1.2869, 最小的为茎形、脱叶性和外叶耳, 皆为0.3712。聚类分析可将42 份地方果蔗种质资源划分为高杆密生型、中径中高型、中大径高杆型、矮杆稀疏型4 类。这为果蔗品种选育提供了科学依据。


    In order to develop and utilize the germplasms of chewing cane (Saccharum officinarum), the genetic diversity of 18 quality traits of 42 chewing cane germplasms was studied, and their agronomic traits were cluster analyzed. The results showed that genetic diversity indexes of quality traits were high, among which the internode color after exposed and bud shape were the highest at 2.074-2.011, and those of hair group in leaf sheath, bud bit, internode colour before exposed, internode shape were 1.428-1.6153, those of leaf posture, wax band, inner auricle shape were 1.1918-1.2869, and those of stalk shape, leaf stripping, outer auricle shape were the lowest at 0.3712. Cluster analysis showed that all 42 germplasms of chewing cane could be divided into 4 groups by agronomic traits, including high stalk and dense type, medium diameter and stalk type, medium to large diameter and high stalk type, and short stalk and sparse type. These could provide scientific basis for variety breeding of chewing cane.

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  • 收稿日期:2014-08-29
  • 最后修改日期:2014-10-16
  • 录用日期:2014-12-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2015-07-15