五唇兰(Doritis pulcherrima)具二胞花粉,授粉后1 d 即有花粉开始萌发,授粉后5 d 开始有生殖细胞完成有丝分裂形成一对精细胞。通过人工授粉使花粉管在子房内发育,再利用花粉管直接爆破,成功分离出五唇兰的精细胞。成对的2 个精细胞在直径大小、荧光强弱上均显示出较大差异,预示2 个精细胞具有不同的前途。
The mature pollen of Doritis pulcherrima is two-celled. The pollen began to germinate after pollinated one day. After pollinated five days, the division of generative cell occurred in pollen tube and formed a pair of sperm cells. The pollen tubes were induced to development in the ovary after artificial pollination and sperm cells were isolated from the tubes by immediately blowing up in a broken solution containing 5%-12% mannitol. The two sperm cells isolated were dimorphism, one was big and the other small, and the fluorescent intensity was distinctly different. It suggested that both sperm cells would have different futures.