Abstract:Coating banana (Musa acuminata Colla cv. Dwarf Cavendish) fruitS with 1.5%Pro-long delayed chlorophyll breakdown in peel, the decrease in firmness of the fruit and the increase in ethylene production of the whole fruit. During ripening, the accumulation of ACC content occurred in banana fruit treated with Pro-long. The beak in ACC content appeared a short time before that in ethylene production and in EFE activity. The peaks in ACC content and EFE activity of Pro-long treated fruits occurred 5 days later than that of the control. During ripening EFE activity in banana pulp discs treated with Pro-long was partially inhibited (from 19.45% to 40.51%). MACC contentS in banana fruit were at significant levels at the beginning, and then increased gradually with the development of ripening, but only slightly as compared With the marked increase in ACC levels. We suggest that effectS of Pro-long coating on banana fruit during ripening mainly due to affecting ethylene biosynthesis of the fruit through partially inhibiting EFE activity by reducing the supplement of oxygen, so as to delay the increase in ethylene production and so extend the ripening processes.