2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Artemisia anomala var. acuminatissima Y. R. Ling (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) was described from Jiangxi and Zhejiang, China[1]. In the protologue, the author stated that it differed from var. anomala in having leaf blades elliptic or lanceolate, 18–22 cm long, caudate at apex.
In their account of the genus Artemisia L. in the Flora of China, Ling et al.[2] pointed out that the name A. anomala var. acuminatissima was not validly published because no type was indicated. Indeed, Ling[1] cited two gatherings, X. X. Yang 16777 (NAS, PE) from Jiangxi and H. Migo s.n. (NAS) from Zhejiang, under A. anomala var. acuminatissima in the protologue. Ling et al.[2], however, did not validate the name, and did not include the variety in their treatment. Wang & Peng[3] in 2011 validated the name by designating a specimen, Anonymous 1214 (KUN), from Hangzhou in Zhejiang, as the holotype, and by ascribing the validating diagnosis to Ling[1]. They failed to find the three specimens cited under A. anomala var. acuminatissima by Ling (1992). Although Anonymous 1214 (KUN) was not cited by Ling in the protologue of A. anomala var. acuminatissima, it was identified as it by Ling on the determination slip.
Regrettably, Jiao et al.[4] overlooked Wang & Peng's work[3]. They validated Artemisia anomala var. acuminatissima again in 2016 by designating H. Migo s.n. (NAS) as the holotype and by providing a full and direct reference to Ling's Latin diagnosis[1].
According to Art. 40.1 and Art. 40.2 of ICN (Shenzhen Code)[5], it is obvious that Wang & Peng's work[3] in 2011 has perfectly satisfied the requirements for the validation of Artemisia anomala var. acuminatissima and thus the validation by Jiao et al.[4] in 2016 is superfluous. Correct citation of the name, therefore, should be as follows:
Artemisia anomala var. acuminatissima Y. R. Ling, Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 18: 203. 2011. Type: China. Zhejiang: Hangzhou, southeastern slope of Ju-lai-feng, in forest, Sept. 26, 1958, Anonymous 1214 (holotype, KUN!).
A. anomala var. acuminatissima Y. R. Ling, Guihaia 12: 104. 1992. nom. invalid. Specimens cited by Y. R. Ling (without indicating the type): China, Jiangxi, locality unknown, X. X. Yang 16777 (NAS, PE); Zhejiang, Hangzhou, Shangtianzhu, Oct. 31, 1934, H. Migo s.n. (NAS-00480845!).
A. anomala var. acuminatissima Y. R. Ling, Phytotaxa 273: 213. 2016. syn. nov. Type: China. Zhejiang: Hangzhou, Shangtianzhu, Oct. 31, 1934, H. Migo s.n. (holotype, NAS-00480845!).
[1] |
LING Y R. Addenda to Artemisia L. in S.-E. China[J]. Guihaia, 1992, 12(2): 104. |
[2] |
LING Y R, HUMPHRIES C J, GILBERT M G. Artemisia L.[M]//Wu Z Y, RAVEN P H. Flora of China, Vol. 20-21. Beijing: Science Press & St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, 2011: 676-737.
[3] |
WANG Z H, PENG H. Validation of the name Artemisia anomala S. Moore var. acuminatissima Y. R. Ling (Asteraceae)[J]. Bangladesh J Plant Taxon, 2011, 18(2): 203-204. |
[4] |
JIAO B H, ZHANG G J, NIE B, et al. Validation of the name Artemisia anomala var. acuminatissima (Anthemideae, Asteraceae)[J]. Phytotaxa, 2016, 273(3): 213-214. DOI:10.11646/phytotaxa.273.3.10 |
[5] |
TURLAND N J, WIERSEMA J H, BARRIE F R, et al. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code)[M]//Regnum Vegetabile 159. Glashütten: Koeltz Botanical Books, 2018: 1-254.